Subject: Keith's top 10 overrated cards
Keith's top 10 overrated cards
10.Goblin Attack Force. You get one hit, big
9.Spear Dragon. Same as above. Take a Gemini
Elf with
Fairy Meteor crush, it'll last longer
8.Snatch steal. This card is so limited. I'd rather
play Creature Swap
7. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer. Two cards, I
can do that with Soul Release
6.Wall of Illusion. With everyone playing Spear and
They get to reuse it.
5.Spirit Repear. You're opponents gonna beat the
crap out of this thing.
4.Solomn Judgement.First draw it
3.Injection Lily. Pay 1/4 you're life and it can
still be Kuriboed
2.Yata Garasu. I agree, it's good, but with Ring
everywhere, it's easily gone. Still kicks butt, but what can destroy
Ring Mirror Force Delinquent Duo,
Exchange, and others.
And #1 overrated
JINZO. We limited our traps to make it affect us
less and now we can just use MST, HFD,storm, and others on cards.
And magic cards take out Jinzo.