Subject: Robert's Top Ten Combos with DNA Surgery
Robert's Top Ten Combos with DNA Surgery

      Hello, everyone!  I hope you all had a great summer.  Well, this is my first time doing a "Top Ten List", and I am sure that all of you are anxious to see some great DNA Surgery combos are, so let's get started ;)

10) DNA Surgery + Wodan the Resident of the Forest
      -This is a pretty sick combo, but it is kinda funny.  If you have 5 monsters, then Wodan gets a 500 Attack bonus, but I don't really suggest this combo.
9) DNA Surgery + The A. Forces
      -If you declare Warrior for The A. Forces, then you will get a power bonus of 200x the monsters on your side of the field.  If you have 5, then you have an Axed team.
8) DNA Surgery + Array of Revealing Light
      -This is a weaker version of DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier, but it can delay enough for you to bring out Exodia or a level 7+ monster.
7) DNA Surgery + Dragon Capture Jar
      -This is better than DNA Surgery + Array of Revealing Light, but is worse than DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier.  Switching all of their monsters to defense mode means that it may take a while to reach their life points (unless you use Fairy's Meteor Crush or Spear Dragon).
6) DNA Surgery + Lord of Dragons
     -When you declare Dragons, Lord of Dragons will even protect himself, ofcourse he also protects his opponents, too.  Not the best, but it is still a good combo.

5) DNA Surgery + Dark Ruler Ha Des
      -Most of you know why this is a good combo, but if not, call out fiend for your DNA Surgery and your opponent cannot surprise you with any face down monsters.
4) DNA Surgery + Busterblader
      -If you declare Dragons, Busterblader will gain a power bonus for every face up monster on your opponent's side of the field.  If you are lucky, your Busterblader's attack strength will be 5100.  Nice combo, huh?
3) DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier
      -You obviously need to declare Insects because it is the eternal Swords of Revealing Light.  Awesome combo for those without Swords.
2) DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier + Arsenal Bug + Gravity Bind
      -You do the same thing as the last one, but throw in Arsenal Bugs and Gravity Binds to have some fun.
1) DNA Surgery + Busterblader + Lord of Dragons
      -This is a combo that could take forever to do, but when it is accomplished your opponent will have a hard time being unable to target your Busterblader, while Busterblader beats down their defenses.  My brother once did that to me and he finished me off... good thing it was a best 2/3 match :)

      Well, if you have any comments, concerns, complaints, want to duel or trade, anything, don't hesitate!  The faster you e-mail me, the faster I will respond.  I am Robert Sanders and my e-mail address is Great  Until next time, Good luck and Happy Dueling :)