Steven M's top 10list

10.pot o' greed(draw 2 cards)

9.swors of revealing light(stall for 3 turns)

8.don zaloog(great for anti-exodia decks)

7.mage power(sweet for maha)

6.united we stand(also great with maha)

5.snatch steal(gimme your monster)

4.spear dragon(atk.of gemini gaf effect and a fairy meteor crush)

3.sasuke samurai(no more man-eater)

2.raigeki and call of the haunted(bye bye monsters and come back witch)

and finally #1 is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1.fiber jar(perfect for open attacks)

well every 1 theres my top 10 list e-mail me if u like it.
