Subject: The Master of Hengers Top 10 Overrated Cards List.
#10.  Fiber Jar- An interesting effect but unless you deck has a real use for this guy, such as several cards that can cause a Soul Releasing effect or you have cards that need to be recycled if they are lost such as Exodia, the Destiny Board or Gradius's Options he could cause you almost as much pain as he does benefit.

#9.  Goblin Attack Force- While he is a perfect Beatdown monster I'd say Bazoo might be safer than him with the existance of Spear Dragon, guess it just depends on which you opponent has(Fiber Jar or Spear Dragon to decide which is safer).

#8.  AirKnight Parshath- Very Nice effect but at only 1900 ATK I don't think he is all that suited in a Beatdown Deck as an opposing Goblin Attack Force can Kill him and Gemini Elves can suicide him.

#7.  Jinzo-  Not as highly Overrated in comparison to some cards out there but still there are getting to be more ways for dealing with him.

#6.  Pot of Greed- People have been calling this the Best card, I don't see why.  I consider it a Mandatory card but there's a difference between a required card and the Best one.

#5.  Lava Golem- Why'd they make this thing a Secret Rare it's only use is in a Gravity bind Burn Deck.

#4.  Mirage of Nightmare- Drawing cards is always a good thing in CCGs but if your playing this you don't have much of a hand and what if your opponent nails it with a Mystical SPace Typhoon when you play it, leaves you rather vulnerable to Hand Destruction.

#3.  Ring of Destruction- Monster Removal, Good.  Life Point Damage to your Opponent, Very Good.  Life Point Damage to you, Not Good.  I'm surprised this card seems so popular since it is best only in combos particulary with Barrel Behind the Door and Trap of the Board Eraser.  Maybe it's just my style of playing fast and careless with my own LP that turns me off on this card some.

#2.  Don Zaloog- Probably the flagship monster for Card and Deck Destruction and a very handy companion for the Next card but like #1 he needs alot of support at only 1400 ATK he won't be killing anything. A little more variable in his uses than #1 on the list he can also help out Warrior decks and some Beatdowns.

#1.  Yata-Garasu- Or as I like to call him the Pigeon.  So much hype over one little monster(Very Little Monster).  Yes he can create a perfect lock but you need to combo him with about 2-3 cards(Unless your opponent is stupid or very unlucky) so he can get his effect into play and especially on this site most combo's involving 3 or more cards would get laughed at.  He is a potent monster particulary for Control and Card or Deck Destruction decks but hardly has the functionality of other cards like Jinzo who don't need as much support to function at their full potential.

Want to debate my choice of cards or convince me otherwise my Email is