Jacob's Top 10 Deck Themes
10.Noob Starter - "Sorry kids but you do have to tribute." Who in the world puts three skull knights in their deck. Seriously stay away from these kids, they dont even tribute.O_o WTF!?!
9.Toon - I dont see any potential for these decks ever and I never have. This deck is so situational is not funny, ok it is a little, but I never want to see me own one of these decks.
8.Zombie - These decks have not reached their full potency, yet but with the next sets, zombies with be more recognizably in tournys.
7.Fiend/Spellcaster - Some of the only additions that would make this deck good would be Gemini Elf or MoF, but it sure beats the above decks.
6.Warrior - Now with the release of LoD, these decks are booming out of nowherei can definately see a champ with one warrior deck.
5.Dragon - I used to run one of these decks way back when just before Pharoah's Servant it was ok but with LoD these are even better.
4.Offensive Exodia - Now Im trying out exodia and I find it amusing that I always pull sick combos to kill my opponent. This deck is awesome.
3.Defensive Exodia - Ditto
2.Gravity Weiner - Most people dont know what "Weiner", they are the "attack lp directly people". Oh yes this is going to be fun, huh, well messenger of peace then gravity bind then attack, attack, etc.... HAHA I love it.
1.Gravity Hayabusa - My personal Favorite, and in this deck i use clowns so u can imagine the devistation MWAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAA........................
Thanks if You any problems or questions email me