Subject: Top ten best traps , ChrisF
ok i want to write this list cuse im seeing way too many people writing that mirror force is the best trap or that magic cylinder is best cause it does direct damage . anyway heres the list
10-barrel behind the door - this card works best in side decks when you go up against burn decks or decks thatinclude dice jar
9) skull lair - this is one of the best traps in the game provided you get it during mid-duel or sometime when your graveyard has 10 or more cards
8) Torrential tribute - this card is not too much better than skull lair however it works very nicely but like all traps they dont last long on the field however this trap is very good
7) Waboku- this card is youst awesome it basically buys you one turn however another good aspect is that your monsters survive any attacks.
6)call of the haunted - waboku is almost better than call of the haunted except that this card is a very important part of yu-gi-oh this card is a part of the reborn aspect reviving a monster such as witch or sangan can be good but this card is mostly used on jinzo , for one reason if call is destroyd or removed jinzo remains alive .
5)Ceasefire - man i cant believe how many tournaments have been won with this card however i dont put it in my deck for a reason , at some poins this card can be dead what if you dont have any monsters and hes youst attacking , though dont get me wrong this card is very good.
4)Magic cylinder - very good card stoping an attec can win you the duel , but giving him direct damage can also win you the duel or take you one step closer , but remember this card only buys you one turn of safety or one attack your opponent may attack with another monster so be careful
Mirror Force - this card is good if used at the right time but i see way too many people saying that mirror force is the best trap in the game well news flash IT ISNT
2) RING OF DESTRUCTION - this card is awesome i have it in my deck along side mirror force and magic cylinder , this card can mean death for your opponent and is very good.
AND NUMERO 1 is .......................
Imperial order , althought it can be countered if you manage to activate it with out harm you , you will get to decide how long magic cards cannot be used , youst as long as you pay 700 this card works excellent in any deck , if you are as good as ,me or any good duelist you will realize that imperial order is simply the BEST TRAP in current yu-gi-oh environment
so . do you think ring was supposed to be the best or mirror force well if you wanna talk my email is ...