Subject: JD's Top Ten
Fiend cards for a fiend deck only
Top 10 Fiends for a fiend deck
10. Winged Minion - he
adds 700 ATK and DEF to any Fiend monster as long as that card is on the field
9. La Jinn - 1800 ATK
8. Opticlops - 1800 ATK, 1700 DEF
7. Sangan - draw a 1500 ATK or lessmosnster from deck
6. Mask of
Darkness - get back a trap card
5. Giant Germ - they lose 500 LP, you
get more Germs
4. Wall of illusion - good DEF and their monster goes
back to their hand
3. Kuriboh - stop life points damage and good way to
get out Dark Necrofear
2. Dark Necrofear - remove 3 fiends from play
(Kuribohs, Giant Germs) and when
destroyed you take one of the
opponents monsters at your end phase
1. Dark Ruler of Ha Des - NO
effects work it destroyed by a fiend type while this is face up, plus its one
tribute for 2450 ATK!
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