Subject: Nelsons Top 10 Card List!!

Hey POJO!!!!!!! sorry....anywayz,..i was just thinken about the card lists, and i wanted to make my own, i did :P...and here is my list for the best top ten cards!! ok.:
10. Cyber Jar.....I know some of u think it should be higher up on the list, but i have better cards goin up there,......and this card has saved me so many times, i just had to include it in here....ok
9. Gemini Elf,......I Looooooove this card, it has helped me out so many times,....this card has the best stats ive seen in a while, and the good balance of offense and defense,(like u would put this thing in def. mode anywayz!!!!)
8. Bazoo the Soul Eater......another awesome card......he has a killer effect and with him, u can wipeout ur opponent in a few turns, :)
7. Summoned Skull:....yes, i know he should be farther up, but like i said on cyber jar, i have better cards goin up there,..but SS deserves recognition,...1 tribute for 2500 atk is amazing!! only a few can top that :))))
6. Fiber Jar...can anyone say reset button? just when u thought u were gonna loose, BAM!! duel starts all over!! (except your life points, and that does kinda stinks, but its good in every other way!!)
5. The Masked Beast.....well, basically its a 3200 beast that u can play without tributes from the field, but u need an extra card to summon him, but its worth the power of the Beast!!!
4. Jinzo.....yes, he should be number 1, but i have a better card to me, that has saved me a million times......but that story comes later ;)
3. The Dark Ruler Ha Des:.....well, this card has a killer effect, his effect works on himself which makes him unstoppable to flip effects,....even the many jars out there (cyber,morphing1 and 2....etc....i think :P)
2. Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer:.....yes, im sure some of u are asking me whyyyyy??????, has helped me alot, cause it has destroyed there chace of  using bazoo, so hes good, but not the best.....the best is.....(to me anyway!!)
1. SWORDHUNTER...........yes, i know.......2450 for lvl 7,2 tributes?? am i insane?? nope,....cause i had it all on the line in a tourney where if u loose, the opponent gets ur rarest card, and mine was a 1st edition mint condition Jinzo....and i just couldnt loose i was on the ropes,....and all i had in my hand was  the witch of the black forest,giant trunade,and an axe,...and i had no m/ts on the field,.and 2 mons in def mode....he had a jinzo with pendant on it, so i was dead, i was almost crying....and i hadnt even drawn,,....and i drew a pot of greed, i was thinking nothing could help me now...amd i played it and 1st, i drew call of the haunted, and the next card i picked up, was the swordhunter,....I almost screamed in happiness( I only put the card in cause my friend wanted me too!!)I double sacrificed for him, and he was like that wont help u,..and then i played the axe on him, and then.......he screamed....and i was soo happy, i attacked his jinzo and equiped it on my swordhunter,...and that was it,...he didnt draw another monster or good trap for the rest of the duel, i wanted to use giant trunade and put his jinzo in my hand,...but i didnt know if it worked like that! :) so, i continually attacked til he had no more life points, and he lost and i got his tyrant dragon...and also a box of LON for winning the thats the reason why swordhunter is the best and my favorite card,....thanx for readin my list, later....PS,...My email is,....and my name online is....Metallic Dragon,......Later