Hello guys, the names Terance. and heres my top 10 deck list.
Deck #10- Deck/Hand Destruction
It's really fun to run one of thesse but alot can counter it. Fiber jar
screws this up BADLY! Robbin Goblin is good for thesse decks. Not alot to say,
but alot of cards that are comming out MIGHT help this.
Deck #9- Gravity Bind deck
Small monsters, equip cards, monster removal, easy win. End of story. Just
make sure you have more than one Gravity bind deck.
Deck #8- Machine Deck
I love robots :). Defintally can be used with gravity binds as well. Check
this out:
I have this on the field:
Jinzo#7 w/3 axe of despair
Barrel dragon
your opponet has:
blue eyes white dragon
Now you use Limiter removal,
Barrel Dragon-5200
Jinxo#7 kills BEWD then attack with barrel and jinzo. TA-DA you win.
Deck #7- Legendary fishermen deck
I LOVE THIS DECK!!!! Just use Legendary ocean, and other cards that help
legendary ocean/fisherman. Then win.
Deck#6- Fiend Deck
There is alot you can do with fiends. Just send out the strong kill the
weak, use special trap and magic, win.
Deck#5- Dragon Deck
Ya know the drill, lord of D., Flute of SD., 3 blue eyes white dragons,
play another flute and get 2 of the new LOD dragons, and destroy your rival in
no time flat. The only problem is that its to common!
Deck#4 Light Decks
THIS is fun. Send out ONLY light monsters so you can play 3 Thunder Nyan
Nyans. (my favorite card ^_^;.) With mystical elfs and such, you can dominate
with DEF. too.
Deck#3-Gravity Aqua Decks
A VERY POWERFUL DECK! Along with legendary ocean, use monsters with levels
1-5. Now use gravity bind along with the level 4 monsters who are now level 3! 7
colored fish that can attack durning gravity bind :drools:.
Deck#2- Skull Lair Decks
EVIL they are! I can only think of 1 card to counter it thats in english,
nesides trap removal of course. Put 3 in a deck, along with some high power
monsters and BOOM!
I'm the only kid in my area with all 5 pieces. Everyone uses Card
destruction thinking it will stop me, well fiber har/back up soldier gets them
back SO easy. Witch and sangan, Pot of greed, Graceful Charity, and so many
other cards can help it. Just remember, ONLY PUT 40 CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate
people who have The GBA game and have 60 card exodia decks!
Well thats all folks XD.
This is Terance signing off!