Subject: The top 10 most overrated cards
These are in my opinion the most overrated
10.Red eyes black dragon-2400 attack for 2
tributes.Totally not worth it.Cool art though
9.Blue eyes white dragon-OK so he's a good monster
even for 2 tributes.But too many duelists rely on him for victory.
8.Gate guardian-6 tributes!!!!!!I'll stick to
summoned skull thanks.
7.Blue eyes ultimate dragon-Again possibly 6
tributes.Plus he's too hard to get.
6.Exodia-He's Exodia!you know what he is; what he
5.Toon monsters-I'm not going to put anything down
for toons for the sake of those who use them sucessfully in a deck.
4.Black skull dragon;All it takes is mirror force
trap hole raigeki.....ect.ect.........
3.Obelisk the tormentor-People only like him cause
Kaiba's got him in the show.
2-The winged dragon of ra-The art on this monster
is really cool(I like slifer's art better)but it's really bad.Plus tournaments
don't allow Gods.
1.Slifer the sky dragon-Another god!!!!The gods are
the most overrated cards I've ever seen.Just cause Kaiba and Marik(possibly
the sorest loser I know.Sorry to his fans but he sends people to the
shadow realm)can make these cards look good it doesn't make them the
best.(I wanted a slifer weeks ago but I changed my mind)Things aren't always
what they seem.
Da bird otherwise known as emily
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