Subject: Top 10 OVERRATED Yugioh Cards
This is almost a flame, as Iv been seeing the use of these cards increase constantly ever since their release, and with the increase in usage, there has been an increase of "ignorance" <---(I couldnt think of a better word) in the use of these cards.  And with that increase, the cards would become overrated, causing their true purposes and uses to become bland and non-existent.  This is my list of overrated and misused cards.
10. Mirror Force
    This is a great card, but it is constantly thrown into decks without consideration that SOME decks dont attack, and that Mirror Force is usally destroyed before it works.
9. Magic Cylinder
    Once again, it is a nice card, but you have to wait until your opponent attacks, and in todays inviroment, it will be destroyed before you an use it.  This card is WAY overrated by to many people, as they see it as a staple.
8. Ha Des
    For the third time, a good card, but to many people are just tossing him into a deck without fiends.  They think that his effect alone is nice, which it is, but it still deserves him no place in a deck without fiends.
7. Relinquashed
    This monster is nice, but again, with all of the monster removal, he will just be blown away before you get a chance to use him to his fullest.
6. Any monster with a lot of attack
    This explains itself.  To many people are blind to the fact that there is monster removal EVERYWHERE.  If you work hard to get out that Black Skull Dragon, or that Gate Guardian, or whatever, than congradulations on accomplishing it, but it will die within 2 turns in most duels.
5. Gemini Elf
    Before I hear "Your just a poor SoB who cant pay for them" your wrong.  I currently have 3, and only 2 in my deck for space needs.  The elves are overrated, and just plain loved by almost everyone.  This card DOES have an extra 100 attack points, but in the right deck, those 100 are nothing.  This card is purly overrated and isnt much better than an 1800 monster.  100% waste of a Secret Rare.
4. Goblin Attack Force
    This monster is a decent monster, but his turn to defence for two turns effect makes him to easy to kill.  I see ne reason to run 3, and maybe not even 2, as you will draw them when you have no other monsters and let your opponent get an easy kill on him with a Sangan or something.
3. Yata-Garasu
    This card is AWESOME....if its in the right deck.  To many people are throwing this card right into their decks in hopes of pulling the "Yata-lock" that has become so popular.  If you EVER play this card, it NEEDS surport, and not to be just thrown into a deck.
2. Injection Fairy Lily
    This card is being thrown into a deck worse than Yata, and takes EVEN MORE experience and skill to use its effect.  Any smart player will know when to NOT pay for Lilys effect, and to let her die.  But to many people are paying for the effect everytime than being slaughtered, they just make it to easy.
1. Jinzo (I can smell the flames already...)
    GREAT CARD!  Purly great.  There is one sad thing about this card though.  It was destined to become utter crap by duelist who THINK that "Hey, I can throw Jinzo into my deck with 15 traps and be JUST FINE!"  That is such freaking bull.  Jinzo is CRAP if you dont know when to summon it.  That is the whole point of Jinzo.  You MUST know when to summon him!  Before I get complaints about me just wanting a Jinzo, Iv had one, and I traded it for cards that would help me deck better (Exiled Force, Raigeki, and Call of the Haunted, all three 1st edition, so it was an even trade) and, no, I DID NOT like Jinzo, for the pure fact that I truely never was able to figure out when the right time was to summon him.  It is hard to use him, but to many younger and less experience duelist are throwing him into their decks.
Hope this made some people who agree with my views VERY happy, as it did me ;).  To the rest of you who are wishing they could kill me, or if you just want to send me some flames, or compliments, send em to  Happy dueling, and good luck trying to flame me to the point were Im pissed, and please at least make it ledgable, as it be hard to decode your chicken stracty remarks :p.