Vash The Stanpede’s Tot 10 Favorite Cards
These are my favorite cards whether it’s the power, combo potential or the artwork.
10.:.:.Creature Swap.:.:. A very underrated card in my opinion, the combo potential with this card is endless it will definitely have a seat in my deck for some time.
9.:.:.Jinzo.:.:. This card packs a punch, though I have never had one every time I played against someone who had it, it never really posed a problem against me that’s why it scored # 9 in my book.
8.:.:. Airkight Parshath.:.:. I love this card, from when I first got this card started play testing it and I loved it, the draw power, and it could totally trash spear dragon and GAF, awesome.
7.:.:.Injection Fairy Lilly..:.:. 3000-atc bonus is always nice, the only real draw back to this card is it is kind of situational.
6.:.:.Imperial Order.:.:. This card is just broken beyond belief, free magic jammer that lasts the whole turn is unbelievable.
5.:.:Sangan.:.:. in most decks this card can search out 8-10 cards making this a staple in my book
4.:.:.Witch of the Black Forest.:.:. AWSOME WOTBF can find its way into almost any deck no matter what the theme, pure Speed.
3.:.:. Painful Choice.:.:.i almost always use this card in any deck I use this card Is fast very fast, comboing with cards like Sinister Serpent and Monster Reborn, Premature Burial, And COTH makes this card a Staple in my book.
2..:.:.Sinister Serpent.:.:. Combo with so much, Grey wing, Graceful Charity, Painful Choice, Magic Jammer, TTTD, etc,etc, great card.
1.:.:.Yata-Garasu.:.:. I wish I had this card because I would abuse it to the max, this card is just a great addition to any card, stopping your opponet from drawing is just to amazing, combos with creature swap really good to….
Chris Roman's Top 10
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