Top 10 Monsters:
10. Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi- A great card. If it does damage they discard
their hand. Only problem, a 2 tribute Spirit Monster?!
9. Penguin Soldier- Now that Guardian Sphinx is out, this card isn't
as good, but it still clears the field.
8. Dark Necrofear- "Take control of one Monster when destroyed!" I
can't resist. Only bad thing is that you need to remove 3 fiends from play
in order to summon it.
7. Spear Dragon- I like it just a little more than GAF because of
it's Fairy Meteor effect. I'd sooner use Airknight Parshath than this
6. Injection Fairy Lily- I love this card!! I can't wait till I have
enough money to buy one. Good even in Yata Lock decks, as you'll be
needing to do more than 200 damage each turn
5. Lava Golem- I know it's sorta high on the list, but you can let it
do damage to your opponent's LP and then RoD it!!
4. Fiber Jar- This card is awesome!! If you're running a Yata lock,
you need this. If Yata is in the graveyard, just flip Fiber Jar and
practically start the game over.
3. Guardian Sphinx- I absolutely love this card!!!!! It can really
plop a win in your lap. I can't wait to get one!
2. Don Zaloog- I've been anticipating the release of this card ever
since I got my Yata-Garasu. It's goes great in nearly every deck, and can
be searched for using WoTBF, Sangan, and Mystic Tomato!!
And Finally, the highly anticipated #1 card on my Monster Top 10
Yata-Garasu- This card is so good, that there's been a deck
named after it. It's probably both the most despised and loved card known
to people who play Yu-Gi-Oh. I even built a deck around it!!!
Top 10 Magics:
10. Metamorphosis- For those of you who don't know what it does,
check the spoiler at This card is good if you want to bring out
Last Warrior from Another Planet. Otherwise, it's not that good.
9. Terraforming- Adding a field card to your hand can be good. Say
you have a Suijin in your hand and are waiting for a Legendary Ocean. Play
this, get Legendary Ocean, and summon Suijin for only one tribute.
8. Spiritual Energy Settle Machine- If you're playing a Spirit deck,
this is a staple! It keep you're Spirits on the field as long as you
discard one card at the end of each turn, say Sinister Serpent.
7. Dark Snake Syndrome- This card can be comboed with Barrel
Behind the Door. Let the damage build up to quite a bit, then use Barrel
Behind the Door to stop the damage to you and send it doubled to your
opponent's LP! Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!
6. Pot of Greed- A good card. Everyone who can get one needs to
5. Mage Power- An awesome card!! Equip this on Maha with 5 M/T cards,
Maha gets a 3000 atk power boost!!
4 United We Stand- My favorite equip card in the game, and the
strongest. Somehow, get 5 monsters on the field. If one of them is Maha,
Equip it with this and it gets a 4500 atk power boost!!
3. Harpie's Feather Duster- A huge step up from Heavy Storm. It only
destroys you're opponent's M/T cards!!!
2. Monster Reborn- I don't see any problem with this card at
1. Raigeki- A deck staple for any deck!!! You can destroy you're
opponents monsters, and possibly hit them with the combo from #4!! No
reason why this card is bad!
Top 10 Traps:
10. Magic Jammer- Some people may not agree that this card should be
this far back, but it is somewhat costly at one card from you're
9. Seven Tools of the Bandit- Some may still disagree with even this
being this far back, but it does cost 1000 LP.
8. Final- Sure it's four magics and only one trap, but it still gets
you an automatic win. Still harder than Exodia.
7. Waboku- This card is highly underrated!! I've found that this card
is a real butt saver at times.
6. Magic Cylinder- A good card, but now that Ring of
Destruction (RoD) has been released, it's completely been
5.Imperial Order- Man. This card had nearly no use until now. Now
it'll be seeing play by anyone who can get their hands on it. Only 700 LP
per turn.
4. Barrel Behind the Door- This card will probably see play by anyone
who has RoD. It pretty much doubles the damage to your opponent and stops
the damage to you.
3. Mirror Force- I know you all hate me for making Mirror Force
number 3, but I don't use it and I hardly ever lose. There are better
cards. Still good though.
2. Solemn Judgement- This card is definitely better than Mirror Force
for a couple of reasons. A) It can negate a magic, trap, or summon. B) You
can have 3 in a deck. C) You don't have to wait till they attack to
activate it (as it can't negate attacks).
And now. What you've al been waiting for, the number one trap card on
my list,
Ring of Destruction!!!- This card has completely removed the reason
for playing Magic Cylinder!! It can even chain to M/T removal cards, not
just attacks. Plus, it can be comboed with Barrel Behind the
Well, thanx for looking at my top 10 lists! If you want to make a
comment, correction, or say you hate me, e-mail me at
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