Subject: George M's Yu-Gi-Oh
Top 10 List - Top 10
Well hello again Pojo, hows it going havent been here
in a while, because i wanted to come back when the site had an amazing amount of
new things to see, even though you guys always do, hee hee.....and way this is
my Top 10 list, its my second one, so here it goes, ohh may i also please
voice my opinion, when the wonderful people @ pojo asked for top ten lists, I
dont think they meant cards like Raigeki, Dark hole and Magic cylinders...etc.
these cards are staples and there for they are on every ones top 10 list, I
believe the people @ pojo would be delighted, if there was a bit more
originality, so there for i shall resume.....cough, cough
Disappear- Select 1 card in your opponents graveyard and remove it from
play, I once stared @ this card for at least 5 minutes , admiaring its simple
beauty, this card though not seeing much play has hit my number 10 spot, this
card is chainable, which we all love , but it is also very valuable in many
situations, i.e. if your opponent uses painful choice, and he or she, begins to
look for those ever so valuable exodia pieces, when they hit the grave just
remove 1, this may seem weird but think, if they remove 1, they are pretty much
lost on the entire game, unless they have the dreaded cannon soldier and burn
you half to death, .....this has happened to me more than once, either way this
mysterious dragon, has earned my number 10 spot because of its sheer
9.) Sangan- who dosent love this little critter, hes
the cutest, yet most grotesque monster i have ever seen, not only does he have a
wonderful effect, he alows you to thin your deck, i know this is common
knowledge, but your not thinning your deck so you can purpously deck your self
out, but you do this to search for those nimbles, those marauding captains, and
of course those lovley cyber jars , for when your opponent is pounding you with
2 goblins and the great jinzo....over all this card made the nine spot because
we need to make space for the other cards in the game and the
8.) Torrential tribute many a person i have seen using
this card, and also i have seen people taking this card out for those triplets,
the waboku, but this card may not be chinable, but who dosent want to destroy
all monsters on their opponents side of the field, with all the cyber jars
popping up in our opponents hands, dont you just hate it when the some how get
those 2 gemini elf, 1- goblin attack force, and a injection fairy, when all you
get is some gracefuls, a pot, and a i know my placement of this
card may , or may not send the hate mail to my box up top, but you just gotta
love that watery rush ....
7.) Mystical space typhoon- destroy 1
Magic or trap card on the field...hmm who was the genius who invented a card
that was a quick play, chainable and can even destroy imperial order. : ) this
card is my number 7 spot for a number of reasons it is a magic/ trap removal
card and it can be used a number of ways, from what i hear, this card is now
chainable against drop off, in other words, when drop off is activated you may
play mytical from your hand to destroy....duhh a magic and trap card on the
field, also many people dont know this but mystical can destroy imperial order,
for those of ya who dont know this, if you play change of heart on your
opponents monster and they activate, imperial are allowed to chain
mystical space from your hand to destroy the imperial, this is possible be cause
mysical rather any quick play may be played from your hand, as long as it is
during your i just wrote alot.......whew...i just thought yall outa
know that
6.) Gilasaurus- now many people may be ready
to jum down my throat for this but, his effect reads, when this monster is
special summoned, you may treat this summon as a special summon, if you do your
opponent may special summon a monster from his/ her graveyard. this card is
highly underated, and probably always will be, no one actually sees the
potential of this card, and when i mention this card its as if it is infected
with some sort of disease, and people trun their cheeks....hmm this card has
many combos, if you summon this card early in the game you can summon another
monster, i.e. because his summon is a special summon, if your opponent only has
a penguin soldier in his grave when gilasaurus is summoned the special summon
has to be face up, then you are allowed another summon, if you have 2 of these
in your hand with a marauding captain, thats about 4 monsters on your field, but
of course always havd back up the usual staples, raigeki, and
duster......@_@.....then go away with the saurus combo, this card in it self was
americas first marauding captain, but i cant get people to use this card even if
my life depended on it.....hmm always nice to know though, for those of you who
are looking to be original.
5.) Injection fairy lily- the
prettyist lookin lady in red n white, she alone bacame the basis for most beat
down decks, with her lil needle she single handidly stabbed many with her
cheerful, yet deadly look. thought i would aggree with many 2000LP isnt woth it
most the time, what i like to do with this card as crazy as it sounds, i love to
attack this card, many dont realize if your opponent has an injection ont he
field, and all you have is a spear dragon, attack the pretty lady your only
losing near 1300 or so life points while your opponent is losing the 2000, they
nearly have to if they want to have a powerhouse on their filed. bacause as we
all know we only have 8000LP and it dosent last for long especially if you pay
2000 of it, this card has lost me battles just as it has won me many, but for
all.... fear this lady with a needle she will infect you with her deadly
sting....... @_@
4.) Asura priest- The goat destroyer, for those
of you who dont know this monster may attack all of your opponents monsters on
the field , but may not attack your opponents LP if it has attacked a monster,
this monster is nearly perfect in a side deck for those of you out there who
like to run 3 scapegosts in your decks.....i used to use this monster, and i
know it should have a lower spot mabye near ten, but it just came to me, and
this really dosent have to be in any particular order......or does
it......Muhahahaah....cough, cough.......any way this is perfect for getting rid
of all those nimbles, and what not ....hmmm.......any way heres my favorite card
in the game.
3.)Upstart goblin- Draw 1 card from your deck Your
opponent gains 1000 life points. i love this card, for one reason it will never
ever be played in a lot of decks, i love the picture of the lil goblin takin the
life saving of the lil skinny guy, but seriously, i literally made an exodia
deck just so i could use this card. it just looks so good, i used to use it when
it was firts released, in magic ruler, but i was hounded and pounded on for the
second part of this card, i had people kiking me in the school hall way for this
card....( well not really, just a kool thought...hmm) you never know, exodia
decks still use the awful lil goblin for the drawing capabiltiy, since theyre
only worried about getting he broken up Necros in their hand....just wanted to
say THIS CARD IS wheres the water @ i have a really bad
hair ball....cough, cough....
2.) Exiled force- the always loved ,
the greatly used the exiled force, also called initiate troops in japanese,
these little guys have great combo potential, as in if they are trap holed their
effect still works, wanna know y....i dont know y exactly but the big guys @
upper deck do and they say its legal....and believe it or not its the same with
barrel dragon, because his effect can be chained with the summoning, thought i
find it horribly strange, how one can flip 3 coins as their monster is falling
down a deep way, the man of the exiled troop have saved me
many a time, thanx to their atack then explode effect. its best to attack one of
their weaker monsters, i.e. a goblin in defense, then destroy their ya get me, no what im saying.....please tell me cause i dont,
well back to the drawing board.......wait whats that its a man its a sword
1.) Noble man of crossout- this card in many new age
beat downs, what ever that is , has been taken out for fissures,,,,, what ever
that is, i love this card for its removal power, though this is one of those
cards that you draw when you dont need it. but isnt it good to draw that
crossout when your opponent has 1 final defense monster and you just use ever
revival card you have on that jinzo and what not, this card will always have a
place in my long as they dont create a card that destroys all f/d
defense monsters and gives you 8000lp, i dont see that happening and , i mean
any time soon, so i shall continute to use the armored man with the strange
helmet......what? why is he blonde on this card........i thought it was
gurl....whew glads thats over.......
For all you guys n gals that
wish to speak about yu-gi-oh, come give me a chat @ or just AIM me at the same thing minus
the @ aol.comi know a lot about yu-gi-oh and have been playing a year before the
english legend of blue eyes series came out, so if you just wanna chat about the
game or just get your kicks talkin about the new pharaonic guardian set, you
know where to some to.....hmmm.......gonna go n get some ice cream, rock road
here i come.......