Subject: nate's top ten two
tribute monsters
Hay, everyone this is a top ten list of two tribute monsters... if any of
you out there still use them. Well hope you enjoy this!
10. wingweaver - a good monster with an attack of 2750 is good... she would
be a good candidate for a light deck.
9. Tri-horned dragon - this card is perfect in a dragon deck and with 2850
attack he is nothing to scoff at but you probably never play any monster just
because of strength.
8. Sanga of the thunder - with 2600 attack and a nice little miniature
wobaku effect he would work kinda in a light deck or (if you want even though it
is stupid) you could try to make a gate guardian deck.
7. Blue-eyes white dragon - another card to go in dragon deck... because he
is a dragon *light bulb dings in my head* and with 3000 attack points he has the
highest attack of any 2 tribute monsters.
6.Kazejin - with 2500 attack and the same effect as sanga of the thunder
your probably thinking why he is higher on the list well... in a fisherman deck
with the legendary ocean he becomes a six starred monster which means campers
that he only requires one tribute. Thus he is higher on the list
5. Buster Blader - 2600 attack is okay but his effect makes him very good
against a dragon deck (otherwise never play him unless you use a warrior deck).
He can single handedly take down every dragon in the game... unless you use
cyber stein. Here's an example: you opponent just summoned the Blue-eyes
ultimate dragon and you have Buster Blader. Buster has 2600 attack and since a
dragon is on the field he gets +500 attack... moreover since your opponent sends
three blue eyes to the graveyard you get +1500. So lets see 2600+500+1500= 4600
attack edging out the ultimate dragon =). The only dragon I can think of that
can beat him is master of dragon knight because he too gets a boost from
4. Dark necrofear - (yes... yes she can only be special summoned but hay he
is in and well... actually that's about it anyway back to the report
thingy) a card that should go in every fiend deck with a decent 2200 attack
and a wall defense of 2800 she is overall good. She also can take one of your
opponents monsters after she is sent to the graveyard.
3. Tyrant dragon - a powerhouse dragon with 2900 attack... whew plus he can
attack twice. A absolute must need in a dragon deck. The only bad thing is you
have to offer a dragon to special summon him from the graveyard but in a dragon
deck that's no problem.
2. Mystical knight of jackal - my favorite card of PGD... he has an attack
of 2700 and defense of 1200 (I think it's 1200 either that or 1400... not that
it really matters) which means he is the only monster on this list that can be
searched by witch of the black forest. His effect is whenever you destroy a
monster with him you may return that monster to the top of your opponents deck.
Yippy! another monster that can lock. (well kind of) Add this baby in a hand
disruption yata deck with some times seals and you got yourself a pretty darn
good deck. Here's an example of why he is number two: your opponent has two
cards in his had a gearfried and a delinquent duo and a gemini elf face down on
the field. You have a mystical space typhoon in your hand and a time seal and
mystical knight of jackal on the field. You attack the gemini and send it to the
top of his deck. he again sets gemini and you activate time seal. you draw and
get kycoo and summon him. you attack gemini with the jackal and attack his
lifepoints directly with kycoo and you got yourself a lock.
and the number one two tribute monster
1. barrel dragon - bye far one of the best effects in the game and with a
nice 2600 attack you could easily just pound the crap out of your opponent...
all you need is a lot of luck and hope when the coin tosses don't go your way
you don't run into a cyber jar... sigh...
well that's my report... sorry about being a little longwinded on mystical
knight of jackal but he is one of my favorite cards. Oh ya barrel and jackal are
the only cards i use on this list and i almost always discard them and reborn
them. Sooooo... think I'm an idiot think I'm hot does someone out there agree
with me e-mail me at
(nate_scooby_doo was already taken... oh ya don't dis the scoobsters).
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