Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10
List - Top 10 Deck Types
Okay, there are plenty of deck types out there, and
this is to help figure out which ones are the best
10. Senseless
Beatdown: The most common of all deck types, this eliminates all strategy in the
game. This is basically a conglomerate of all the decent cards that
someone owns, with many high attackers. Not a personal favorite, but still
9. Fusion: This is a deck where every detail
matters. Basically it's a deck with fusion monsters (best bet is probably
relinquished and black skull dragon) and high power beatdown cards. This
is probably worse than the senseless beatdown though, as it falls prey to
monster removal, which hurts sooo much more after all that effort. Much
more fun though, and a lot more creative.
8. Warrior deck:
Otherwise unfeasable without the new legacy of darkness set. Good for
newcomers, provides good power and creativity, and there are lots of good
monsters and equips available (check the spoiler). Not as good as an aqua
beatdown, but still good, you just need to also find some high attack warriors,
maybe goblin attack force...
7. Yata-Garasu Deck: Yes, it
warrants its own deck. The goal is hand disruption with a few cards like
time seal and drop off to stall for yata. Also monster removal and
graveyard recursion is necessary, as yata needs company on his side of the
6. Unbalanced magic trap deck: The basic idea is to
protect your lifepoints not with monsters, but powerful magic and trap
cards. This can be intimidating, but ineffective as your aim is to attack
with high power monsters on open lifepoints. This is owned by heavy storm
and harpy feather duster.
5. Gravity Bind: This is a
"someguy" legend, but it is limited. Unlike the top 4, there are plenty of
counters, and almost everyone has a couple cards to counter this. Everyone
has mystical space typhoons, and once gravity bind is gone, all u have left are
some pathetic low level monsters. Jinzo owns this deck
4. Exodia: While some think it may be obselete, it is still
a classic. Still ways to aid it besides sangan and wob (they've been
repeated). Remember, not everyone has the necessary counters, just include
lots of magic jammers and a messanger of peace (works wonders) with a solemn
3. Water Type: An obvious choice with Legendary
fisherman, tornado wall, and a legendary ocean, this can be an awesome
deck. Throw in magic counters to negate ur opponents mst's and field cards
2. Burner Decks: Big time overrated cards in this
one, and makes for a cheap deck too. The only rare card needed is
Messanger of Peace, and if u stick in life point damage cards, even Ookazi, this
will be nearly unstoppable. This is where the bad reaction to simoochi
combo's can be stuck in.
DECK: Okay, most of you probably don't know about this deck, or
even this card, but it's by far the most effective. Dark Door allows one
monster to attack per turn. Besides the obvious combo with sinister
serpent, this works wonders with relinquished. Throw in monster removal
cards and hand disruption, with a burner card and maybe a solemn wishes, and u
can see victories with over 10,000 life points. This will lead to a long
duel, but since this is a magic card, Jinzo fits in well. I like to use a
skull lair, the obvious staples, a solemn wishes, and a sangan and wob to search
for my flip effects.
Want to give me suggestions, comment on my
selections, talk about the dark door deck and ask for more details (pleeze no
insults, just constructive criticism) email me at:
I'd be more than happy to give more detail on the no 1.
deck, because it's not covered on the pojo site. Everything else is less
obscure and covered in copious detail.
ask for