Subject: Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 List - Top 10 overall, sans Power 5
10: Scapegoat. It's your turn, I have no defenders. You're attacking.
What do I do? Quick-play Scapegoat! I now have four monsters, in defense mode to boot! Have fun.
9: Ground Collapse. Lessens the effects of an opponent's Scapegoat, limits Change of Heart in the late game, United We Stand doesn't hurt as much, heh. Closing off two slots kinda hurts a bit. Is it even restricted? If only I could get 3 on my opening draw...
8. Shadow Ghoul. Hmm... Lots of monsters in my graveyard... they aren't doing me any good, but wait? What's this? I summon Shadow Ghoul.
He is now a... 32...33..34... ::looks over at opponent:: Grab a snack.
This might be a while.
7. Penguin Soldier. Hane-Hane on CRACK. Return the Soldier with one of
your own flippy-mon's, and you've got another go. Man Eater, Mag. of
Faith, Immortal of Thunder... hell, even the 3 parts of the Gate Guardian!
6. Trap Hole. What was that? You just hard-casted a large monster? OK. Trap Hole. Take care now, bye bye then.
5. Painful Choice. Run 3 Magi of Faith, and Magic in the graveyard is as good as in your hand. 3 Masks of Darkness and you can say the same for Traps. Or just give your Shadow Ghoul a nice little +400/+0 boost.
4. Magician of Faith. As stated earlier, any magic card in the graveyard is as good as in the hand. That and we all love graveyard recursion, right?
3. 7 Tools. Let's see... I pay 1000 to counter... Trap Hole, Magic Jammer, Mirror Force, your 7 tools, Magic Cylinder...
2. Black Skull Dragon. Don't tell me that fusions suck. So this guy has only 65% of its seperate form's total power. Remember, though, that monsters need to be killed in single combat. Attacking with two just doesn't cut it, even if their power is off the charts. 32 is hard to beat. Recur the Skull after playing this, and you're set.
1. Kuriboh. Currently the one card whose ability can't be countered by any means. In other words, guaranteed damage prevention. It only works against one target, but it's still able to go off no matter what you try to do about it.
Yep. In my opinion, 10 great cards that aren't on the Power 5 list. No, I'm not insane, Ground Collapse really is good. Wasted my schoolmates many a time with that one card.
In any case, if you want to berate me for any part of the list, I can be reached at
~ Tails
"For a swift arrow, pull hard on the string."