Yugioh Top 10 – Top
10 Ultra
1) Monster Reborn. It’s the best revival card out now.
You get a card from either graveyard for free. It ends games A LOT so you should
have good counters in your deck. A staple card. Every deck needs
2) Mirror Force. The card that saves duels. You can put
your attacking monsters in defense so your opponent will attack them, then
activate mirror force. There isn’t a deck that can’t use
3) Magic Jamer. The best magic counter. The only draw back is the discarding unless you have sinister serpent.
4) Change of Heart. You either use the monster for major
attacking or tributing. If you used it on a Blue Eyes White Dragon, you should
tribute it or else they will get the monster back on their next
5) Delinquent Duo. Card advantage is one of the best advantages to have now with Yata Locking. One thousand life points isn’t too much to pay.
6) Mystical Space Typhoon. This card can save you from
any trap and magic card that your opponent sets to destroy you like Mirror
Force, that they set to have the final blow wait for a
7) Call of the Haunted. The best revival card since monster reborn. You can use this on Jinzo because it only cancels the effect of trap cards.
8) United We Stand. This is the best equip card in the game. You should use it on Hayabusa Knight with other equip cards to do a massive amount of damage.
9) Torrential Tribute. The second dark hole. It’s a good
card for defense when your opponent is going to finish you off, then activate
Torrential Tribute (trap dark hole).
10) Fiber Jar. It resets everything except removed cards and life points. A duel saving card for every deck.