
Subject: top ten deck types
1. Yata decks-These are devastating. If you have a choice, stay far away!

2. beatdown-My personal favorite. I have ran one of these since the release of pharoahs servant.

3. warrior decks-If used correctly, they work very well.

4.exodia-Fast easy victory. Challenge them with caution.

5.burner decks-These are a little easier to play.

6.bad reaction to simochi-Another instant classic!

7.deck depletion-so annoying.

8.toon decks-These are for experts.

9.dragon decks-amazingly good

10.final-if you can get final, this is another exodia.

thats my list! you can email me with hate mail, fan mail, or just to talk at bballer8691@aol.com