Subject: Hobgoblin's Top Ten Monsters to use in a Light Deck
    Howdey, all.   Hobgoblin here again.  Last time I picked my favorite pieces of card art; this time I'll get more serious and rate some monsters for a Light-themed deck.
    I love Light deck, because they encompass monsters from all other types; warriors, dragon, spellcastors, fusions, and a whole lot of faries.  (I am secure enough in my masculinity to use faries.  ^_^)
    Before we begin, let me say that *every* Light deck should run two, and probably three, Luminous Spark field magic cards.  They're short-print commons in the Magic Ruler series, FYI.  Without them, your deck goes from good to mediocre. 
    Let's begin, in no particular order.
10.    Blue Eyes White Dragon-    Newbies love him, and many more experienced players eschew him.  Who's right?  Well, I can't tell you that; you'll have to decide that for yourself.  However, with Luminous Spark (hereafter referred to as "LS") on the field, his power raises to 3500.  I wouldn't run more than one in a deck, though.
(BTW, anyone else notice that he's not white?  He's blue!  Gahh...)
9.    Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon/St. Joan-    I rate both of these the same, because they both have different advantages.  Specifically, THTD is the fastest fusion in the game, and one of the strongest.  St. Joan, on the other hand, has more useful components.  (Marie the Fallen One and the Forgiving Maiden).  However, many duelist are fusion-a-phobes.  My answer to them? "Just because you can't make fusions works doesn't mean I can't." :P
    Again, if you're not comfortable with fusion, then don't use them. ^_^
8.    Airknight Parasith-    Okay, I know I'm spelling his name wrong; don't point it out. ^^; Anywhoo, this bad boy has two effects, one of which is spify, one of which can be potentially fatal.  First, he has a built in Fairy-Meteor Crush; that's right, defense mode can't save your opponent.  >:) Also, whenever he damages LP, you can draw a card. 
       Now, card advantage is good.  However, you might get into a situation where you draw many more cards than you need, and have to discard useful cards. More often than not, though, card advantage is good. 
        Sadly, ol' Airknight is a level five monster with only 1900 attack.  Bummer.  XP With LS on the field, though, he goes to 2400, strong enough to wipe out Gemini Elfs and Goblins.  However, a four-star monster who's just as strong is....
7.    Thunder Nyan Nyan-    Gemeni Elf? We don't need no stinkin' Gemeni Elfs when we have this cuddly kitty!  However, you must be careful; she's destroyed if a non-Light monster is on your side of the field.  ;_; Now, if all of your monsters have the light attribute, that's not a problem; however, you have to be careful when using Change of Heart, Creature Swap or Monster Reborn.  Use her at your own descretion.
    I'm devoting an extra paragraph to Nyan Nyan just to rave about the card art.  She was barely pushed off my previous list of cool card art, but this card is just so kawii!  It's practically a Toon!  And while I usually don't like Upperdeck changing normal names into odd ones, (Forced Transfer, Cyclone?), I love the name "Thunder Nyan Nyan" a lot more than "Volt Girl".  o.O
6.    Sanga of the Thunder-    Yeah, Gate Guardien's near-impossible to use, but this guy is oh-so-usable.  True, he's got two tributes, but he's also got a built-in Woboku effect.  If you have one, try him out.
5.    Time Wizard-    Yes, chance is bad.  Why risk everything on a coin toss?  Well, look at it this way: if your opponent has mobilized an army and is ready to pound your head in, why *not* risk it all on a coin toss?  Granted, I myself wouldn't use him, because I never klike to think I might get into such a situation, but I might side deck one, just in case.
4.    Soul of Purity and Light-    I feel bad for SOP&L, because she only had one set to shine. (No pun intended.) Everyone loves Fiber Jar, and loosing two monsters is just too big a risk nowadays.  Still, if the rocket tree isn't popular in your area, I highly recommend this card.  With LS on the field, she can hold off a Summoned skull.  Also, she lower the attack of opposing monsters on their Battle Phase.
3.    Maha Valio-    Let me start by saying I think it's a girl, okay?  Anywho, if you run a lot of power-ups, she can reach insane levels of power, with LS's initial power boost, plus the Ax/UWS/MP, plus her extra five hundred.
2.    Asura Priest-    I'd only run one or two of this guy, because he leaves the field after he attacks, leaving you wide open.  However, with LS, you have a 2200 atk monster who can beyotch-slap every monster your opponent has.  Sweet.
1.    Magician of Faith-    Do I really have to explain her?  One of the best, and oldest, flip effect monsters ever.  Be warned, though; if LS is on the field, she has zero defense points.  Watch out for Spear Dragons.
    Note that I would'nt run all of these monsters in the same deck; I think that'd be overload.  However, if you're interested in making a Light deck, here's just a few possible choices. 
    If you have questions or comments, e-mail me.  Also, if you're a single lady, or just want to tell me how cool I am, don't hesitate to drop me a line either.  My current hideout's e-mail address is
If you wish to flame me, please follow this simple procedure:
    *Make a fist.
    *Hold it in front of your head.
    *Holding your fist steady, run as fast as you can into your fist.
    *Repeat as necessary.
    I hope ths helps. :)