Subject: JD's top 10
1) Snatch steal and bad reaction to simouchi
snatch steal
lets you steal an opponets monster but he gains a thousand life points on his
standby phase
Bad Reaction to Simouchi changes all lifepoint gains into
2)Maha Vailo and 2 Malevolent nuzzelers
maha vailo gains 500
attack for every card equipped to it plus the equip card
malevolent nuzzler
increases a selected monsters attack by 700 you do the math
3) Swordstalker +
Mystic Plasma Zone +Sword of Dark Destruction (this combo is extremly hard to
get i personally have only drawn it once)
mystic plasma zone increases a dark
monster attack by 500 and lowers its defense by 400 sword of dark destruction
does the same except not as much **WARNING** watch out for shield and
4)Insect Barrier + Parasite Parcid
insect barrier prevents insect
cards from attacking and parasite paricid is put into the opponents deck when it
is attacked and when drawn from your opponents deck all monster become
5)eye of truth and bad reaction to simouchi same as snatch steal
combo mentioned above
6)Mirror wall and two solomons law books
this is an
allright combo but not recomended for tournements i tried it and got
mirror wall reduces the attacking monsters attack by half at the
expense of two thousand of your life points at each of you standby turns and
solomons lawbook lets you skip your standby phase
7)respect play and ominous
fortune tellin
respect play lets you see each others hand ominous
fortune telling lets you pick a card from your oponents hand and call its type
monster magic or trap and if called correctly you deal 700 direct damage to your
8)light of intervention + Trap hole
L.O.I flips
all face down cards face up and trap hole well we all know what that does dont
9)this is a counter actually
infinite dismissal when gravity bind is
infinite dismissal destroys all level three and lower monsters and
gravity bind only allows level three and lower monsters to attack
hole and gearfried the iron knight
dark hole to destroy your opponets defense
and gearfried to attack his life points
thanks for reading my
Joshua Kreider