Larry Fanga's Yugioh Top Ten Overated
Hi! Here are the Top Ten Most Overated Cards in my opinion!
10. Bazoo the Soul Eater- This card is very strong, but there is one downfall. You have to remove from your own graveyard! I've seen people use three of these in their decks, and they have no graveyard. Also, ever since Fiber Jar came out, this is very dangerous to play, so you should not abuse it's effect.
9. Graceful Charity- You gain two cards, and lose two. There is nothing special about it, because playing Graceful Charity replaces the card you could have drawn (3 minus 1 equals 2) which gives you two cards left. Then you discard two, so that is why it is overated.
8. Last Warrior From Another Planet- The effect does not include to Set cards, so the opponent can still defend him/her self.
7. Goblin Attack Force- It can only kill one monster that is 4 or below, so you might as well use a Tribute to the Doomed.
6. Skull Lair- I love this card, but the reason it is overated is because most duelists abuse it to much. Sooner or later, the duelist will have no more cards in his/her graveyard, and attacking a Fiber Jar could REALLY hurt. Also, another strong monster can appear, and the person will not have anything to discard.
5. Dice Cards- It is nothing compared to Rush Recklessly and Mask of Weakness, because the highest roll is a six.
4. Mage Power- Very strong, but it make you set cards you don't, like magic cards. Then, you would not have space to play a magic/trap because it will probably be full.
3. Fiber Jar- This is nothing special. It is good for BOTH players (for both players have a graveyard), and if you flip it yourself, the most damage you can do is 2300.
2. Gemini Elf- What makes it overated is that it is so rare, because there are so many power ups that a normal 1800 monster can beat it. Also, many think they are pretty, but they are pretty ugly *HeHeHe*
1. Yata-Garasu- Awesome effect, but bad attack. Think about it, if your opponent has 8000 lifepoints when he is Yata Locked, you have to draw forty cards. When he/she has six thousand, you draw thirty. It is also a spirit card, so you must continue to summon it, not giving any other monstersmakes th to attack. What make this card great are cards like Dropout, and Roblin Goblin. It is nothing special without those kind of cards.
Any complaints, comments, question, feel free to email to me, Larry Fang, at

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