Subject: The Top Ten PSV, LON, & LOD cards

Let's get it started with PSV shall we........

10. The Legendary Fisherman: With the start of LOD we got The Legendary Ocean. This made Fisherman decks more playable.

9. Gravity Bind: Could I hear it for Clown Control Warriors, yep! Dream Clowns, Exiled Forces, Marauding Captains, Hayabusa, these monsters could all attack under a Gravity Bind.

8.Ceasefire: A burn deck weapon, and should also be side decked in most deck.

7. Hayabusa Knight: It could attack twice. Better than Gray Wing, and IMO is better Asura Priest

6. Nobleman of Crossout: I use two of these in my deck. This card is really good against flip effect decks.

5. Call of the Haunted: Another Reborn, what more can I say.

4. Premature Burial: (look above)

3. Goblin Attack Force: Who wouldn't want a 2300 attacker with four stars, there is a reason why I run 2 of these in my beatdown deck.

2. Imperial Order: Negates all magic cards. Only 700 LP a turn. Anyway, the pay is optional. Sometimes if you keep paying, it will cost your opponent the game, and when you look at their hand, killer magic cards would probably be there.

1. Jinzo: The Ultimate Trap Master, he negates our traps, but also your opponents. So no mirror force, magic cylinder, or any other killer traps.


10. Fusion Gate: This card just made fusions more playable. Now you can summon your #9 card on the list without polymerization.

9. Last Warrior from Another Planet: What good are your opponents monsters if they cannot summon them.

8. Destiny Board/FINAL: Basically can win you the game, but with our current meta game, typhoons are seen in multiples of 3's, harpies feather sweep, and heavy storm. These cards can devastate FINAL.

7. Bazoo the Soul Eater: He could beat or match up to the beatdowns strongest monster, probably Skull, or Jinzo.

6. Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer: Could cancel Bazoo's effect, and protects your graveyard, staple for Shadow Ghoul decks.

5. Magic Cylinder: Turns your opponents attack right back at them.

4. Mage Power: Second best equip IMO. Better than Axe of Despair.

3. Torrential Tribute: A super trap hole/dark hole. It could clear your opponents field, for a fresh one.

2. United We Stand: Best equip in the game. A little bit better than Mage Power.

1. Gemini Elf: Yes, yes a 1900 attacker, with no side effects. Beatdown staple.


10. Twin Headed Behemoth: Comes back to life.

9. Airknight Parshath: Built in draw power/fairy meteor crush.

8. Dark Ruler Ha Des: Negates flip effects.

7. Spear Dragon: Built in fairy meteor crush. Level 4, 1900 attack. Can be switched positions next urn.

6. Reinforcement of the Army: Search for your Goblins, Hayabusa, or Exiled Forces.

5. Creature Swap: Switch monsters. Give them your spirit monsters.

4. Marauding Captain: Protect your warriors. Free summon.

3. Exiled Force: Destroy a monster, destroy. Better than Penguin and Man-eater bug. ]

2. Fiber Jar: Reset, reset. Free shot at your opponents, when flip summoned.

1. Yata-Garasu/Injection Fairy Lily: I like them both, can't choose between which one. Yata-Garasu does the Yata-Lock, and Lily could win you the game. Both are really cool, good cards.

Those are my top t3n lists. Feel free to contact me through ........

AIM: xbeamfusion


    YugiGuy2 ^_^