Subject: Top 10-Top 10 Ultra rare cards
Before I tell you my top 10 I would just want to point out that I made some mistakes in my other top 10s.Now on to my top 10.

10.Axe of Despair-This is one of my favorite cards and is awesome anyway.There are so many effect monsters that can win a duell with this equiped to them.

9.Exodia-Now that there are so many cards out to assemble him thats why hes 9.

8.Mechanical Chaser-This card is good but so many cards can destroy it so it only is 8.

7.Neddle Worm-This card is so cool.Not only is it really rare its got a good effect.It definatley is good in many kinds of decks.

6.Dark Ruler Ha des-This card is good but since it cant be revived it is not really that good.

5.Goblin Attack Force-This card is the second strongest monster thats level 4 next to a fully powered Bazoo.The only problem is its side effect so its 5.

4.Summoned Skull-He is the strongest monster of its level plus he is esay to get out so hes 4.

3.Mage Power This card is the 2nd best equip card + its really good so this card is 3.

2.United we Stand-A card that can give a 4000 atk. boost is broken so this card is 2.

1.Creature Swap-This card has so many  combos but im only gonna name the top 3.

3.Swap Griggle or Ameba.
2.Swap a scapegoat toke thats in atk. mode.
1.swap a spirit monster and then get it back at the end of the turn.

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