Subject: top five monster and magic cards

Top five monster and magic cards
5. Scapegoat
stops your opponent from getting to your life points.
4. final destiny
discard 5 cards to destroy all cards on the field. BOOM!!!
3. change of heart
your opponents monster is now at your mercy.
2. monster reborn
welcome back. time fore some revenge
destroys all your opponents monsters. it's beautiful
monsters eater bug
kills enemies DEAD!!! white dragon
3. summoned skull
one tribute fore 2500/atk. wow
2. jinzo
no more trap cards, and 2400/atk a grate card.
1. cyber jar
destroys all monsters on the field pick up five cards and special summon all level four and under among them to the field the rest go to your hand. It's the best card in the world.