This is my,Kendall LeBerte's, list of the top 10 best Yu-Gi-Oh cards.
#10. Man-Eater Bug, Once this card is fliped you may select one card and destroy it.
#9. Monster Reborn, You may select one card from either your opponent's or your own graveyard and special summon 1 monster to the field.
#8. Acid Trap Hole, Flip 1 face-down defense monster and if the monster's DEF is 2000 or less, the monster is destroyed.
#7. Magic Cylinder, Redirects the attack of your opponent's monster.
#6. Soul Exchange, Select one of your opponents monsters and tribute it in place of your own.
#5. Mystical Space Typhoon, Destroys 1 magic or trap card on the field.
#4. Gemini Elf, This is a good monster with a good ATK of 1900.
#3. Summoned Skull, This has an ATK of 2500 and you only have to tribute 1 monster.
#2. Goblin Attack Force, Level 4 ATK of 2300, the only thing wrong is that if you attack you must switch it to DEF with a DEF of 0.
#1. Buster Blader, This card has an ATK of 2600 and a DEF of 2300. The cool thing about this card is that it gains 500 ATK points for every Dragon type monster on your opponent's field or graveyard (this is my personal favorite, I have 2 of them).