my top 10 list from my deck is
10:gray wing,
discard a card from my hand to attack twice and it has 1300 attack and its level
9:witch of the black forest, can search for any monster in my deck
except giant soilder of stone
8:bubble crash,could really hurt exodia
decksand is a life saver
7:gilasaurus, great first hand card a possible
summoned skull first turn
6:gravity bind, the basis of my
5:summoned skull, 2500 attack 1 tribute destroys those jinzos
blocking my gravity binds
4:monster reborn, think about
3:bazoo, great effect can also destroy those jinzo happy
2:cyber jar, great game ending effect, saved me many
1:raigeki: duh!
any q's email me at
Aric wadosky