Subject: Top 10 ultra rares
Bob's Yugioh Top Ten Ultra
This is my first email to pojo and I would just
like to say that pojo rocks, I always went to pojo when I played pokemon, and
now I always go to pojo for the latest info on yugioh.(I love the cards of the
day!)and when is the chat room going to be fixed anyway, I love chatting on
pojo's yugioh site. Oh and I like pojobot he is cool.
10.Jinzo-- one sacrifice, 2400 ATK, and prevents
trap cards from being used, what more could you ask for in a card.
9.Dark Ruler Ha Des--one sacrifice, 2450 ATK, and
prevents effects of effect monster destroyed by fiends, kind of similar to
jinzo. It stops those pesky man eater bugs too.
8.Change of Heart--you can get one of your
opponent's monsters and attack their life points if that was their only monster
on the field, or my favorite combo which would be to use this card and then
sacrifice their monster too summon one of your own.
7.Black Skull Dragon--hey it may be a fusion but
it has an awesome attack of 3200 and if you already have summon skull in your
deck(you had better) and maybe a red eyes in there then you just through in a
polymerization and bam you have a powerful monster.
6.Seven Tools of the Bandit--Oh no not mirror
force wait a second I have this face down on the field bam mirror force is
negated and destroyed ha ha. Magic Jammer, Magic Drain, Magic Cylinder, and Trap
Hole are all destroyed with this ultra rare.
5.Magic Jammer- Monster Reborn my blue eyes I
don't think so not when I have this on the field. Ever wondered what to do with
that sucky card you thought you took out of your deck well here you go just
discard it to destroy raigeki, swords of revealing light, change of heart, or
4.United We Stand--wow this is a good one. If you
have a summoned skull and at least two other monsters on the field you will be
virtually unstoppable with almost 5000 attack strength. To tell you the truth
this is the only equip magic card that I have in my deck because it is so
3.Beast of Talwar--This is like the summoned skull
but different in key ways, it has only one sacrifice necessary yes, but it has
100 less attack strength but 950 more defense which could come in
2.Summoned Skull--Ultra Rare? oh well, it should
be if it isn't. This guy rocks one sacrifice with 2500 atk and wotbf can get it
from your deck because of the 1200 defense, sweet.
1.Relinquished--very cool. Relinquished is cool
for the following reasons he can suck in any monster on the opponent's side of
the field and if he is attacked with a monster of a higher attack relinquished
isn't destroyed, the monster he absorbed is, and the life points lost because of
the attack are inflicted on both players, and if your opponent has a face up
monster on the field after the monster previously absorbed is destroyed you can
absorb his other monster,sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.
I know you are thinking the same thing I am, what
about mirror force, well I guess I could have put it on there instead of beast
of talwar, but anyway here is my name and e-mail address.