Subject: Yugiondope's Top 10 all around best cards! LOB-LOD
This is my first top 10 list so I hope it's good.
10. Nimble momanga- A very underated card, commonly known as "Killer Squerills" amongst tourney report readers.  if kept on the field it 1. Serves as three monster 2. thins your deck by two cards. and 3 it increases your life points! Whats so bad about that ( works wonders in my yata control deck).
9. Mirror force/ Magic cylinder- awsome waboku/ raigeki should be higher up but i misplaced it ( switch with # 3) Magic cylinder is " Turn that frown upside down".  tee hee
8. WotBF/Sangan- Get out jinzo or yata, who's  complaining.
7.Mystical space typhoon- worried about that single face down card, or going against a competive equip deck, no prob.
6. Feather duster- same as above butt kills much more m/t.
5. Fiber jar- the most awesome chance for a completely open strike on opponent( cept for kuriboh) or a great reset button, you choose
4.Raigeki- Kill Monster, Ug like.
3.pot of greed- card advantage short and sweet
2. Imperial order- Shut off magic switch for multiple turns. There is nothing sweeter than that! Well, there is one thing....(drumroll)....
1.yata-garasu!!!!!!!- You guessed it folks, the (semi)  unstoppable purple crow from heck, to destroy your plan with a single peck!! (hey that rhymed!) Any who, This card is th bomb-digity ( reading from teen slander book )
there's so many combos with this baby it makes my brain hurt to think of them, opponent= no hand, 2 face down mons, 3 face down m/t. Cockilly gazing at you in a rubber neck like fashion. You= Feather duster, raigeki, monster reborn his powerful "richie rich" monster and yata, You then say in a sarcastic exasperated sherlock holmes tone " By john, I believe you lose, terribly sorry chum"  You usher him to the complimentery pack station and "generously" pick up the box saying to the store owner "Please allow me." he takes any random pack and stammers off while you snicker behind his back. of course he pulls some amazing card and you begin working on an apologie... Got a little carried away there sorry. you get it
praise, hate? whatever

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