Subject: rocker ryans top ten list
1-fiber jar-this plant is one of the most annoying cards out there it basically starts the whole duel all over. this card is good for a new hand or a free att.                    2-spear dragon-this deadly card can beat those 1800 hundred monsters and can even up with cards like Gemini elf and can give life point damage also.           x force-this card can be used on your turn and you opponents you can sack x force to bring down those defending cards.                               4-goblin attack force-this monster brings the B in beat down monsters, to bad it goes into defense.                                 5-marauding captian-this card is my favorite because as long as you normal summon this monster you can bring a level 4 or lower monster.                            6-yata-garasu-is one of the most annoying cards ever.its unstoppable when your opponents have nothing!                            7-freed the matchless general-dont let this card scare you, just use this card to get a warrior.                                         8-troop dragon-these things are amassing once i started using them, as long as they destroy it i can special soummon another one.                                  9-bazoo the soul eater-one of the best beat down cards ever, best used when marauding captain is summoned                 10-zombrya the dark-this card is good when your opponent as all those weak monsters in at mode one you bring zombrya on the field a kill them all before your opponent kills it.                   You can find me at RockerRyan