Subject: topten effect monsters

top ten effect monsters
10.9. witch of the black Forrest, and sangen
search your deck for a monster with an
atk or def of 1500 or less
8.7.magichen of faith, and mask of darkness
get a magic or trap card from your grave yard
6. lord of d
protects dragons form magic trap and monster effects
and w/ flute of summoning dragon you can bring out two dragons
5. penguin soldger
sends two monsters back to there owners hand. hane-hane X2
4. maha vailo
gains an extra 500 atk fore every equipped card on her
3. spear cretin
its an extra monster reborn
2. cyber jar
destroys all monsters on the field pick up five cards and special summon all level four and under among them to the field the rest go to your hand. everybody should have one
1. jinzo
negates the effects of all trap cards. no more trap holes