Drake's Yu-Gi-Oh Top Ten List-Top Ten Chaos Cards


10.Primal Seed: Good Side Deck card, but I advise against using one in your actual Chaos     Deck. Actually a decent card though, lets you get back the dark and light monster you         used in CED's or BLS's summoning.

9.Sasuke Samurai #3:Good combo with CED: Attack and give your opponent seven cards,     a good 2100 instant damage with CED.

8.Dark Magician of Chaos:If only, if only this card had that easy dark/light summoning              power... oh well, a good card anyway, always good to get rid of one of your opponents         FOR GOOD!

7.Thunder Nyan Nyan: Not much at first, but think about it, summon a dark and get her in         the graveyard imediately, then just remove it and a dark to summon CED or BLS.

6.Reflect Bounder:Good light card, plus that whole Magic Cylinder effect.

5.Dimension Fusion: 2000 is a whole lot of damage, but it might just be worth it to summon     back everything remoed from play. 

4.Vampire Lord: Perfect stall card for getting out a chaos monster, and a good dark card for     the summoning as well.

3.Yata-Garasu: Good one turn win, but then again, it works good in every deck.

2.Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy og the End: Great card, infact, its text should read, "Pay     1000 life points to win the duel". But not always good, as its vulnerable to Change of         Heart.

1.Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning:What more can I say, good Chaos card. Remove a card or attack twice, either way, perfect.


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