The BFG's 10 Real Best Female
The BFG's 10 Best All
Around Female Monster Cards
10. Dark Magician Girl- 2000 attack
is a bit weak but works well in Dark Magician Decks
which are now viable. Nice artwork as
well (would have been better if they had stuck
Japanese version).
9. Infernalqueen Archfiend- Amazing
before Upper Deck corrected the effect. Back then it
was probably be in the top 3. Still
works well in Archfiend Decks though. The artwork is
just the way an archfiend queen should look like.
8. Getsu Fuma- What a name! This
girl can lay down a woopin on all those fiends and
zombies. Being a warrior also helps. A
good card for Chaos Decks as well as sidedecks. This is some
of my favorite artwork ever. No wonder she crushes all those evil
fiends and zombies =)
7. Thunder Nyan Nyan- Josie and the
Pussy Cats on steroids. This chick is a beast in light
decks and makes tasty Chaos food. The artwork is not so great
but who cares she still is a staple in light
6. Guardian Angel Joan-
Another great card for light decks. 2800 attack is nothing to
sneeze at and her
effect is awesome. The two tributes downgrades her power but Kaiser
Sea Horse can take care of that. The artwork is
b-e-a-u-tiful. Looks like the divine version of my
friends mom.
5. Gemini Elf- Ahh the twins
and we are not talking about Mary-Kate and Ashley here.
babes are the original 1900 beatstick. A nice boost for
Beatdowns, Spellcasters, and Earth Decks. Unlike most
people though I don't like the artwork to much. I will admit
though that they are one brutal
beatdown monster.
4. Fire Princess-
My little brother uses a Fire Princess deck and often he beats me.
With the right cards you can be
gaining at least 700 life points a turn and your opponent can
be burnt for 1000. Sick, truly sick. The artwork
gives her a certain mystique around her. Maybe it's the
life points of your burning around her.
3. Injection Fairy Lily- Yeah she's
number three. Even though I find her drastically overrated
she still is a beast. 3400 attack is brutal. Even more sick in decks which
use Gravity Bind.Still I would
rather keep 2000 life points unless I am going in for the kill. I
only have one question about the artwork. Why does Upper
Deck cut out DMG's cleavage but let
this protractive little nurse stradle an
oversized needle?
2. D.D Warrior Lady- One of the
better monsters in the game. Removing a Vampire Lord or
Jinzo is just broken. The fact that she is a warrior and is light
is even more disgusting. I I've seen
people who run three of these babies just to peeve their opponent and
trust me, it works.
The artwork is not only great in this card but in D.D Designator
1. Witch of the
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