wodie's top 10 "Boo-Yah!" Cards


These are cards that you just love yellling: " Boo-Yah!!" when you play them right.


  10.Skull Servant- Ahh yes, everyones most hated card, SKULL SERVANT, a level-1 pathetic 300 attacker. But Guess what? I get you down to 300 lifepoints, ooh look I drew raigeki/dark hole, go skull servant! attack and win, biggest upset ever. ^_^ BOO-YA


9.Heavy Storm-Darn, you just set destiny board? Your about to play your game-winning combo? Storm it! BOOO YA! :D


8.Barrel Behind the Door- Darn! You play ring of destruction to win the Duel with 100life points left? Bam! BBtD :D! BOo-Yaah!


7.Mataza The Zapper- Im serious about this one, this guy rocks if you can boost him up right, can attack twice? make him a  2500+ attacker with United We Stand? = Mass Destruction ^_^ Boo yah!  -not as popular, but one of my favs


6.Riryoku- OMG! your the first person to ever get out gate guardian in a tourney! Now ill kill you with my Kuriboh. ;D Better luck next time. boo ya(x5)


5.Needle Worm- ¬_¬ Only 1 more draw phase and I draw my trusty game-winning card I saw with Big-Eye.. What??! You play Needle Worm? Darn! Bo0o0o-Y4h! :D


4.Harpies Feather Duster- Darn! You set destiny board? Your about to play your game/winning combo? ;_;  Oh wait!! I dust it! ^_^ BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-YYAAAAAAHH.


3.Dark Hole-NOOOOO, You managed to get 3 Blue-eyes+Black Luster-Envoy of beggining+Chaos Emperor Dragon on the field? w00t! I drew dark hole, you know what this means, b0o0o0o yahh


2.Raigeki- ;_;, you have you (insert powerful monster) out, I have nothing to defend myself but skull servant, and your down to 200 lifepoints, oh but hey! I drew Raigeki! wheee, I win! boo yah punk! :D





1.Change Of Heart-this card is so flexible it has BOO YAH written all over it, soo many combos with this, an easy-game winning card if played right, I dont even need a situation for this one, Boo-Yah factor to the max. ^_^



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