Yu-Gi-Oh Top 10 List-Top Ten
Staples, Over and Underated cards
Staples (this is my
10.Yata-Garasu- simple, one turn
win... my friend yata locked me on the first turn...o_O its not exactly a staple
but i use it in all of my decks and it wins more than half the games by itself
than any other card...broken
9.Vampire Lord- this goes in all
types of decks and it hurts all decks goes in-control yata zombie beatdown etc.
hurts- control(bye bye yata) yata exodia beatdown etc. this may not be the card
for you but i bet it has a place in your deck... i gave a n00b a free vampire
cuz i didnt wanna see a summoned skull in his deck anymore... he took my
advise:) first kids next the world-buhahaha
8.Nobleman of Crossout- this is my
favorite magic card-i hate wastin a raigeki on a face down and i played my
friends exodia deck and removed all of his troop dragons and bubonic vermin
leaving him with a direct attack for game... also my brother kills my fire
princess deck by removing all of my burning algae and skull mark lady bug...that
and leaving imperial there for a long time... oh well i still had solemn
wishes-MST! MST! MST!...*sigh*
7.The Forceful Sentry- i needed to
fill up space and i LOVE this card! look into your hand what do i see bye bye
raigeki... lol or yata or their pot or even a 1900 4 star- who knows... this
card rocks first turn... and when comboed with the DD Desenigrator... i run a
control/yata deck... the old fat guy who says talk to the hand
6.Change of Heart-personally i love
snatch steal so i obviously love this card too... and its needed in all decks...
that brings up a combo i pulled off... i was playing my friends exodia with my
exodia and i had 4 peices and a facedown penguin soldier he summoned the peice i
neede bcuz he was being stupid i change of heart flip the pengiun and claim
victory... at least thats what the head says...o_O
Monster Reborn-this beat change of heart for one reason... you get to keep it...
unless you do the combo mentioned in change of hearts summary with a different
monster... monster reborn injection... call jinzo...special fiend megacyber...
premature vampire... summon gemini... one word-GAME
3&4. Raigeki and Harpies
Feather- Raigeki gets three cuz i love heavy
Pot of Greed- Awesome... two cards is bangin! and for those of you who run
exodia hello... no hand 'cept for peices and graceful you draw three or even
two-bye bye peices...all your opponent has to do: kycoo remove
If pot didnt get it then what did-the yata stopper-the tribe dropper- the
tribute bait- its the... Sinister Serpent!!! one word STAPLE!!! my favorite
combo the tribe lock- the feild: royal decree tribe with mage power or random
power-ups witch in hand... discard witch with tribes effect get sinister...
destroy their monster every turn... i like it better than a yata lock...lol
im not doing the overated cards
cause you've already heard everyone elses rants but im gunna list them(once
again my opinion)
don zaloog-these are in beatdowns
now...1400 attack... PATHETIC
gemini elf- stick with skilled and
luster and the dog...lol:)
Black Luster Soldier-envoy crap...
CED blow up the feild!!! im a pyro...:)
DD Warrior lady- in a chaos deck
it sucks cause its removed when it
all the other
10.sinister-not alot of people use
this but its comboed with like everything...
reliquished, tribe, magic jammer,
tributes, trib. to the doomed, spell sheild type 8, many
9.bad reaction to simochi- a whole
deck can be made around this card- ultimate burnage- once again...
8. nimble momonga- helps in sticky
situation and awesome in exodia and fire princess
7. magacian of faith- get back
raigeki, pot, duster, and more come back! burn their feild and draw me
6. now im just listing cuz im not
thinking straight... well theres alot of them oh yea magic drain-if your playin
someone good then they wont give up a raigeki or a pot or
5.this ones overated sorry i didnt
put it above- beserk gorilla... now i summon beserk gorilla and suicide into
jinzo-no wait mirror force... whyd you waste that it was gunna die any
2."i quit this is
1.DD Desenigrator- you have a good
chance of killing a staple or a yata in a lock or a sinister or just guess or
even penguin soldier somethin back and destroy it.. and she looks better on this
pic... hee hee...:)
contact me- hate or fan or love or
any mail excepted at jandmsharp@comporium.net
or im me on AIM at