Parshathrules8391 Top Ten Best Monster Cards

10. Chaos Emperor Dragon – Envoy of the End
Well although I think Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning is better than this, this card is still incredibly good. Although the effect can backfire on you, such as when your opponent draws a level 4 monster, revival spells, etc. This card has the one turn KO with Yata-Garasu, and can easily be the card to destroy your opponent with because of it’s effect. Not to mention that it’s got the stats of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) with a way easier way to get him out.

9. Vampire Lord
Yes, he’s overrated; everyone knows that. But even so, he has a very good effect. The deck destruction effect can hurt because it thins out your opponents deck, but getting rid of your opponent’s Waboku, Imperial Order, etc. is nothing to scoff at. His revival effect is what made him a secret rare, and that effect is probably better than the two. Not to mention he’s a zombie, which means you can search for him with Pyramid Turtle, and revive him with Book of Life.

8. Airknight Parshath
Poor stats. Yes. Great effect? Indeed. Airknight is one of the funnest cards to use. His trample ability is awesome, but the fact that you can draw an extra card every time he inflicts damage is incredible. This card can really screw over Control decks, and really helps for drawing that card you need. Unfortunately, 1900-1400 for stats is what holds him back from a higher spot.

7. Tribe-Infecting Virus
This card is incredible. Discard a card to destroy all the types you name…wow. Combos great with sinister, and having stats of 1600/1000 with such an awesome effect makes him just one of the greatest monsters. What’s better is that he’s only super-rare!

6. D. D. Warrior Lady
This card is an awesome warrior monster, with stats that are great for it’s effect. (1500/1600) This card can stop many monsters such as Vampire Lord, Jinzo, and other monsters that are really hurting you. And you don’t need to save it for when your getting killed, you can just set it, have your opponent’s beatstick attack, and remove. Next turn your opponent has, well hopefully nothing to stop you.

5. Cyber Jar
This has helped me in many tight spots, and is great in every deck! (Excluding Exodia and Control) When your opponent’s monsters are giving you a beating, just lay down this card. You can hopefully:

1. Gain Field Advantage
2. Get that Card you need to give you the edge
3. Speed up your deck
4. Destroy all your opponent’s monsters

Cyber Jar is absolutely devastating.

4. Yata-Garasu
Geez…I wonder why this was picked. One of, if not the cheapest card in the game. Although I hate this card, and I would just love to burn every copy of this card, Yata is still one of the games best cards.

3. Sinister Serpent
Comes back every turn… great discard bait…What more is there to say about this card? He can stop Yata for a few turns, if your opponent is dumb enuogh to call monster with Vampire Lord’s effect, you can use this for a deck-thin, and it combos with Tribe-Infecting Virus’s effect as you can destroy your opponent’s monsters and get this card back next standby phase

2. Jinzo
For all of you who say, “He stops your traps too! He’s absolutely horrible!” Just know that he: A) Stops your opponent’s traps. B) Has Stats of 2400-1500 and C) Shuts down decks like Gravity Bind. Jinzo is still one of the best cards, and will probably continue to be one of the best cards.

1. Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginning
One of the most game-breaking effects in all of Yu-Gi-Oh! Easily summoned, and can destroy ANY monster on the field and remove it from play, and when your it destroys one of your opponent’s monsters, it can attack for a second time. It also has stats of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. (3000/2500)

Note: For all who don’t understand Black Luster Soldier’s effect, it can attack at the maximum TWICE during a turn. Once it destroys one monster, it can attack just once more, it does not continue to attack your opponent’s monsters until it can attack directly. Also, it can remove a monster on your opponent’s side of the field from play and then, in case you for some reason didn’t read the card, it CAN NOT attack that turn.

Love it? Hate it? Disagree with me? Think I’m an idiot for picking these 10 cards? Then contact me at:

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