"J Boards" Yu-Gi-Oh! Top Ten
Underated Cards
Greetings to the great staff and fans at
Pojo. My top ten list revolves around some of the most powerful cards in the
Yu-Gi-Oh! TGC that many fans have neglected or failed to recognize potential of.
Well, here goes.
(10). Negate Attack _
Although often underated,
Negate Attack is unquestionably a staple card. Preventing your opponent from
attacking for a full turn is not only beneficial, but potentially crucial to an
entire duel.
(9) Wind Storm of Equata
Although overlooked much
in the American TGC, WSOE is a potential duel winner. By shifting all your
opponents monsters to defense position, A beatdown assault can become food for
Fairy Meteor Crush, Spear Dragon, and the like.
(8) Solomon's Lawbook
Also an overlooked card, potentially saving you from paying for Imperial
Order, or Mirror Wall is one of the best effects Yu-Gi-Oh! has to
(7) Penguin Soldier
This little buddy of mine has saved the day
many times. The ability to remove two of your opponents monster from the field
is almost as good as clearing the field these days.
(6) Cyber
This little guy allows you to draw numerous cards and place up to five
monsters on the field at one time. Every deck needs one.
(5) Mystic
Yes, serious tournament players speak highly of the smirking fiend,
but its rare to find him in casual decks. Mystic Tomato definitely deserves more
than that since he is the only monster, with the exception of Shiny Fairy, who
actually allows you to special summon an attack worthy monster.
Luster Dragon (MFC-058)
What happened to this guy. Archfiend Soldier, and
Gemini Elf did so well and this guy is stronger than both of em'. Anyhoo, don't
underestimate a Level 4 1900 Attacker with 1600 defense. In the near future,
this guy will be sought after by every Yu-Gi-Oh! collector out there
Dark Jeroid
This monster is probably deserving of being further up on the
list. The ability to manipulate an opposing monster is always promising! (Will
also be useful when crush card is released.)
(2) Swords of Revealing
WHAT HAPPENED ? Swords of Revealing Light began as one of the most
sought after cards in Yu-Gi-Oh. Now he has been reduced to 3rd Class spell cards
that Tournament Players rarely run. If your opponent doesn't attack folks,
this is a ggod thing.
(1). Kazejin, Suijin, Sanga of
Although building a Gate Guardian deck is now obviously implausible
to us all, the three individual pieces have not given up their use. Their effect
is astounding and with so much discard and revival in today's Game I believe
their star level is no reason to downgrade them
Well there you have it.
Please email with any questions at the address below. Thanx goes out to the Pojo
team and fans, and Lesser Fiend for barely not makin my list.