Magus' Top 10 deck Ideas
ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for yu-gi-oh top 10
There are many types of decks
flowing around the metagame and through every home and game shop. Ever are the
best deck ideas that I can think of.
10. Hand-Control. (Yes it can be
devastating to your opponents, but you waste your hand trying to disrupt
9. Clown Control. (These small
clowns, dream and grass clowns just completely own field and trash any monster,
as long as there are two of them and a gravity
8. Dark Paladin. (This a total
monster with incredible effects. The support cards, dark and white magicians are
solid and can stand up to most anything. Hard to pull off, but strong when it
gets there.
7. Final. (This is a fun deck that
can throw a wrench into your opponent's plans b/c they'll be more worried about
FINAL than anything else up your sleeve.)
6. Exodia. (Just two words, END
DUAL..... not hard to get with both sangan and witch running around. An old deck
but still strong.)
5. Exodia Necross. (This is
a fun deck to have but can get tricky, painful choice is the key, but
sometimes you end up with all exodia pieces in your
4. A legendary Ocean deck.
(This deck got major support from IoC, fisherman run rampant, sea snake and
colored fish get around gravity bound and that legolias dragon destroys
3. Beatdown. (I know its common and
easy to use, but who can argue with the results this deck
2. Gravekeepers. (This is a very
pesky group who doesn't fold and can swarm you to 0 lp in a matter of turns.
Necrovalley is deadly here....)
1. Dragons. (This deck is very hard
to build competitive but once its build right POWERHOUSE. Can be truly
devastating and can completely obliterate an opponent. Just evil with very high
attack and good effect monster cards. Envoy Dragon likes it
Also receiving come points: Chaos
Decks, Archfiend decks, warrior decks, light decks, zombie and field
If you dont like my list and have
some other ideas or random thoughts go ahead and e-mail me at