Top Ten Signs of
Yu-Gi-Oh! Obsession~ KuroKarasu
Haha, well, I have decided to take a break on
ranting about how great Command Knight is. Today, I am dealing with something
that should be very fun: A Top Ten List involving Yu-Gi-Oh! Obsession! Okay, now
that I'm done blabbing, on with the list!
10. You draw Duel Monsters on
every piece of paper that you find- This is a definite sign, especially if you
doodle Blue-Eyes White Dragon on homework.
9.You get the solution to the
dueling puzzle every week- Either you are a CCG master in general, or you've
become so obsessed that you've done one of these things for your own amusement
in your spare time.
8. You have pet names for all of your cards-
Yeeeaaah...I actually do this. I've also heard that it's a girl thing, so maybe
it's not that weird.
7. You make your own Millennium Item out of tin
foil (GUILTY!- Amethyst Bubble)- Anime obsession case, #24. Just hope that you
don't put a spell on it as well, and convince others that your Yami made you
steal some ice cream.
6. You can point out every card-related mistake in
the anime- This should be self-explanatory. If you can catch EVERYTHING, you're
very much obsessed.
5. You suffer from withdrawal signs when you go a
week without buying the latest booster series- Self-explanatory.
4. You
can name every last episode of Yu-Gi-Oh! in order- This includes the other
series that never made it over here. You also know what all of the characters
SHOULD be saying, and bash the dub version to Duelist Kingdom come.
You've made up your own cards, and rulings to go along with them- Kudos if you
nailed every last possible combo with them, and did not make any over-broken
2. You try to copy Yami's hairdo, then realize that it's
physically impossible to get that much hair gel- It would take a LOT to do that.
Then, you'd have to get magenta and neon yellow for the colors.
1. You
have successfully constructed anime-themed decks, and have made them WORK- This
is near-impossible, especially in the English environment. Come ON, banlist!
Remember, this is all in good fun! It's not meant to poke fun at anyone.
Why was copying Yami's hair #2 instead of #1? Who knows? This whole thing was
arranged my Amethyst Bubble (from ) and myself, so any
complaints about the order of the list will be fed to rabid penguins. However,
any suggestions for a sequel are welcome.
Anything else? Mail me at if you have comments. Please no hatemail, viruses, etc.
If you're nice to me and don't use chatspeak, I might just invite you to AIM
duel, so long as either Banlist or PCM will be in effect.