Wassup's top ten made up Kuriboh based cards
Top ten Kuriboh based cards
Hi, Im Wassup. I like Kuriboh. He is very powerful and He's saved my life millions of times.So I decided to make a top ten list based on this lil fuzzball
10-Sword of Kuriboh
equip spell-this card can only be equiped to Kuriboh. Increase it's attack by1500 points
9-Shield of Kuriboh
equip spell-this card can only be equiped to Kuriboh
Increase It's defense by 1500points
8-Kuriboh Revival
quick play spell-special summon 1 Kuriboh from your graveyard
7-Kuriboh's Helmet
equip spell-this card can only be equipped to Kuriboh. this monster can't be taken control by you opponent at any time as long as this card remains on the field
6- Kuriboh Army
****monster/dark/fiend/ atk 1900 def 1500
text-an army of little fiends that protect"Joy" no matter what
****monster/light/atk 1600 def 2000
text- a maiden who cares for and loves "Kuriboh"
(Joy is based on my sister, who loves Kuriboh)
4-Joy's Barrier
continus spell
all Kuribohs and Kuriboh's Army can't be affected by opponent's spell and trap cards
3-Kuriboh help
quick play spell
when your opponet declairs an attack, search your deck for 1 Kuriboh and put it into your hand.shuffle your deck afterword
2-Joy's protection
trap-negate any targeted effect that would destroy Kuriboh  or Kuriboh army on the field
and one is...............
1-Joy's Rage
trap- when a Kuriboh or Kuriboh army on the field is destroyed by your opponent in any way, destroy all your opponent's cards on the field and inflict 200 points for every card destroyed
My email is brewsonic@yahoo.com