Top 10 cards that will get you laughed out of any tournament.


10. Dancing Elf-DARK is a great attribute, but WIND is not, so this card is worse than a Skull Servant.


9. Destruction Ring-It looks good until you realize the monster must be on YOUR side of the Field.


8. Shapesnatch- 1200/1700 stats, completely mediocre for a Tribute.


7. Burning Algae- I do have a combo with it but it is too situational.


-Summon 2 Burning Algae

-Activate 2 Destruction Rings on them and 2 Barrel Behind the Door.

-Now activate Bad Reaction to Simochi.

-Get yourself Yata-Locked because more often than not after doing this you'll have cleared the field and your hand.


6. Any of the retard Ojamas- Although I do well with them, things are much different in tournaments, where, according to my alliterative poem, Raging Raigekis Run Rampant.


5. Dokurorider-You may remember Ghostmasters saying even Hungry Burger is better. I hope they meant Performance of Sword.


4. Any common from LOB- Self-explanatory..


3. Pyro Clock of Destiny- Can you guess what 5-syllable term describes this?


2. Aitsu- I thought marijuana was illegal in the U.S. Well, whatever UDE was smoking when they created this card, they should go to the hospital because they must be mentally ill... I know, my cracks are totally lame, but come on, I mean what is this, 100/100 for a tribute?


1. Koitsu- Hear me, UDE! The marijuana's messing with you, so stop smoking it!!!!!