Alex's Yugioh Top 10 Earth, Light, and Dark monsters


Ok, the following is a list of my top 10 Light, Earth, and Dark monsters.  Enjoy!




10) Ok, this is a bit vague, but number 10 is all 2000 defense level 4 monsters in general.  Mystical Elf, Giant Soldier of Stone, Humanoid Slime, etc.  Stall decks like them.


9) Jowgen the Spiritualist--yes, he has stats of 200-1300.  Pathetic, pitiful, etc.  But, being able to automatically destroy ANY special summoned monster?  Combo with last turn equals V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!


8) Sanga of the Thunder--a 2600 atk. 2200 def. level 7 Thunder monster.  The best GG piece in my opinion.  A great light monster, and a good effect to block one attack.


7) Maha Vailo--an underrated level 4 monster.  Yes, all equips are MST bait, but even a turn or two could help with an Axe or United We Stand.


6) Skilled White Magician--1700-1900 for a level 4 isn't terrible.  He's also a spellcaster and 3 spell counters bring out Buster Blader. 


5) XYZ pieces/fusions--they are decent monsters alone, and all 4 fusions carry unique special effects.  XYZ together is very strong at 2800.


4) Chaos Command Magician--A situational effect but could come in handy.  2400 for one tribute matches Jinzo, but his defense (and being Light) is unsearchable, unfortunately.


3) Blue Eyes White Dragon--the power-house himself. 3000 attack for no effect, even from 2 tributes is respectable, and should be feared.


2) Magician of Faith--get your Raigeki, Pot of Greed, Monster Reborn, Swords, etc. back.  An excellent effect, and card in any deck.


1) Guardian Angel Joan--my favorite (and one of if not the best in the game.) An excellent healer if she can be kept on the field.  2800 attack is excellent for 2 tributes, making her far superior (with the effect) to her fusion counterpart.




10) Enraged Battle Ox/Gigantes--Enraged Battle Ox has a nice trample effect for a warrior deck, while Gigantes is a nice 1900 level 4 special summon with a Heavy Storm built in.


9) Black Tyranno--2600 for 2 tributes isn't super strong, but his effect is excellent.  It forces them to play their monsters in attack mode or be attacked directly continuously.


8) Buster Blader--Now, he is at least side-deck material (obviously against Dragons) but one BEWD powers him to 3100 enough to KO Blue Eyes.  I like him in my Warrior Deck.


7) Freed the Matchless General--a must in a Warrior Deck, he has 2 good effects.  Being able to take your choice of Warrior is better, but 2300 isn't all-powerful...


6) The 4 Magnet Warriors--The three rock friends are decent level 4 monsters, and can special summon a 3500-3850 Level 8 monster. 


5) Maruading Captain--play 2 and see how well it goes.  Better in a warrior deck again, but most Earth types are Warriors.  A nice little 1200 attacker.


4) Fiber Jar/Cyber Jar--I'm not saying they're EQUALLY good, I had to pair them so I wouldn't pass ten.  Anyway, they both have priceless, yet unique, abilites.  Run both as they can be game-breaking.


3) Goblin Attack Force--the 2300 attack beatdown Level 4.  He'll be good for a turn, and switch to defense.  Protect him and you can reuse him, or not...


2) Injection Fairy Lily--400-1500 for a Level 3?  Terrible, pitiful, PROPOSTEROUS!  Trash, junk, etc...oh, wait, give up 2000 lifepoints to increase her to 3400?!?  That's right, she awesome!  Cute too with that giant needle!


1) Black Luster Soldier--Envoy of the Beginning--If only he were a Spellcaster, Diffusion Wave-Motion would make him even MORE deadly.  Anyway, easier to summon then the ritual, and an excellent effect.  Two attacks, and one CAN be direct.




10) Dark Necrofear--a special summon-so easy to do in a fiend deck.  2200-2800, and you're nearly guarenteed an opponent's monster when destroied.


9) Kycoo the Ghost Destroier & Bazoo the Soul Eater--Both great level 4 monsters, both will killer effects.  Kycoo, you can leave your opponent with no graveyard, while Bazoo is a tribless Skull.


8) Dark Ruler Ha Des--2450 Level 6.  Unfortunately, unsearchable with a higher defense, but he is the LORD of Fiends.  Every Fiend deck needs at least one.


7) Summoned Skull/End of Anubius--Again (like with the Jars) they aren't equal, I just had to fit them both.  Anubius with his effect is better, but Skull is easier to get a hold of, take your pick.


6) Mad Dog of Darkness/Skilled Dark Magician--both good 1900 Level 4 attackers, but Magician is marginally better (obviously in a DM deck) because 3 spell counters gets you a Dark Magician.


5) Witch of the Black Forest/Sangan/Mystic Tomato--Witch has better capabilities, but they all have good retrival abilites for whatever Dark monster you need.


4) Vampire Lord--power him up, because 2000 attack for Level 5 will be overrun, but his effect is massive hand dissruptoin.  Plus, revival isn't bad either.


3) Jinzo--yes, good old Jinzo. His trap negating, Amplifier making him more loved/loathed.  2400 Level 6, and Witchable.


2) Chaos Emperor Dragon--He is an excellent Dragon, monster, etc.  His effect is great, does damage, and can lead to the Yata lock.


1) Dark Paladin/Dark Magician of Chaos--Dark Paladin, so powerful with the built in spell negation effect.  100 more attack then Chaos, however.  Dark Magician of Chaos has the spell retrieval ability.  I run both in my Spellcaster deck, and it works wonders...(with Diffusion Wave Motion & Fairy Meteor Crush!) As for which is better, decide for yourself. 


(I hope TOO many of you aren't saying Chaos Emperor Dragon is only Number 2?!?)  If so, I apologize, but it's MY opinion.


Honorable Mention:  Kuriboh, he can be a lifesave when attacked.  Sort of like a monster version of Waboku.

(I wanted him on the LIST!!!)


Thanks for reading.  Hope you like it.


Wind, Water, and Pyro monsters are next!


I'm Alex

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