Avi's top 10 spirit cards


10.Susa Soldier- even though he has a good attack for a 4 star monster his effect cuts the damage in half.

9.Fushi No Tori-his effect is semi good but his attack is pretty pathetic if you ask me.

8.Tsukoyomi- her effect is good but once again the attack is really lousy.

7.Yamata Dragon- even though the card requires 2 sacrafices and goes back to your and you might get the cards you need after you deal battle damage.

6.Asura Priest- asura priest is a good card with a good effect. just power him up and use the effect.

5.Inaba White Rabbit-i like this card is good because no matter what you deal damage to your opponent.

4.Hino-Kaga-Tsuchi- if you want a deck to make opponents run out of cards to draw this is a card to use. even though the card comes back after 2 sacrafices your opponent has to discard his hand and draw a new one.

3.Maharaghi- his defense is pretty good and the effect is really good. on your next draw phase you look at your top card and decide to draw a new card by sending that curent one to the bottom of your deck.

2.Dark Dust Spirit- this card requires one sacrafice but it destoys all monster on the field other than him. leaving you for an open attack at their life points.

1.Yata-Garasu- when this card attack and deals life point damage your opponent cant draw next turn.when this card attacks life points directly and your opponent has no traps to stop it you basically won.

well thats my top ten spirit card list. if you have any questions e-mail me at XxAvib0yxX@aol.com.

note: to let you know the 0 is a zero in my adress.