Gus's Top Ten Made Up Cards


Hello, Everybody. This is my final Pojo list, and I hope you enjoy it.




10.  Guardian of Heaven   

Light/Spellcaster   6 star/2600/1300
TEXT: This angel is an expert in casting spells to protect the gates of heaven’s palace. The king and queen of heaven rely on him to keep them safe from harm.


9. Sacrificial Recovery of Tribe Mates

Magic Card (Normal)

Select three cards from your deck and add them to your hand. Show your opponent a card that you took from your deck and discard it to the graveyard.


8. The Spellcaster Family Reunion

Magic Card (Normal)

Pay 2500 life points. Destroy all of your monsters. Special summon 1 “Dark Magician”, 1 “Dark Magician Girl”, 1 “Dark Sage”, 1 “Cosmo Queen”, and 1 “Skilled Dark Magician”. Three of the five previously mentioned cards (your choice) can attack your opponent’s life points directly during this turn and are unaffected by any monster effects, magic cards, or trap cards during this turn.


7. Steel Skeleton

Zombie/Earth   4 star/2050/1400

TEXT: A mechanical guardian of the underworld, this zombie has the latest in weapon technology.


6. Annihilation of the Army

Trap Card (Continuous)

Pay 1000 life points and discard a card from your hand to the graveyard on the turn this card is activated. Your opponent must discard 2 cards from their hand each turn or lose 2000 life points on that turn. Your opponent can only destroy this card by activating “Remove Trap”.


5. Gigantic Turtle

Beast/Water/Effect  4 star/1000/2000

Pay 800 life points. Your opponent must then send one monster from their hand to the graveyard and discard the number of cards from their hand equal to the monster’s level (this is not optional.) If they cannot discard enough cards from their hand, then discard the remaining cards needing to be discarded from the top of their deck to the graveyard. If they cannot discard a monster from their hand, you choose a monster from their deck and send it to the graveyard instead.


4. Morph Scorpion of Ha Des

Insect/Dark/Effect   4 star/1950/1100

Whenever a card on your opponent’s side of the field is destroyed, you draw a card. During each of your standby phases, destroy 1 card on your opponent’s side of the field. If you have a “Dark Ruler Ha Des” on your side of the field, during your standby phases, you can destroy two cards on your opponent’s side of the field instead of one.


3. Neptune’s Protector

Warrior/Water/Effect   4 star/1450/1500

If there is a “Summoned Skull” face-up on the field, increase the ATK of this card by 600 points and increase the DEF of this card by 500 points. In addition, increase the ATK and DEF of all WATER monsters (not including this one) and THUNDER monsters by 400.


2. Toxic Acidity Shield

Magic Card (Quick-Play)

When your opponent attacks a monster that is weaker than the attacking monster, your opponent loses the amount of life points equal to the targeted monster’s DEF points + the attacking monster’s ATK points. Neither monster is destroyed.


1. Lake of Memory

Magic (Quick Play)

When a monster on your side of the field is destroyed, you may play this card from your hand. All of your remaining monsters add half the ATK points of that monster –700 to their DEF points, and add that monster’s DEF points - 700 to their ATK points. 


Well, that's it. Comments? Questions? Like It? Dislike It? Email me at the following address: I'll answer anything.