Mike's Top 10 Not So Serious Worst Cards Ever


The Title speaks for itself.Dedicated to Zico, my pal.


10.Berserk Gorilla

This card is a horrible excuse for a monster.Anything that destroys itself should be burned. 


9.Mazerra Fiend

Horrible!!! I hate this.A terrible pic for a secret rare.


8.Outstanding Dog Marron

What's the point?!It's just a waste of time.



A 1 tribute for garbage.Obviously a terrible filler in Pharaonic.





5.Tower of Babel

Wait 3 turns huh? And it's sacreligious!!!


#4 Charubin the Fire Knight

2 garbage monsters for garbage.Not very profitable are we?


#3 Slot Machine

Bogus Machine.Even More Bogus of a Card.


#2 Gate Guardian

I hate this card.I've never seen anyone get it out,except one time, when my friend's dad, who was conned into buying the guardian set got a free chance.But that was because we let him. 


#1 Serpent Knight Dragon

Trashiness.Pure trashiness.Don't even keep this garbage in your shoebox.Not even the moldy one under your bed.Trade soon.


Mike.Feel free to email me at deadlynewtype@msn.com.  This wasn't entirely serious. REMEMBER THAT BEFORE YOU SEND ME HATE MAIL. Thanks to anybody who inspired me.