Derek's Top Ten Mistakes People Make When Choosing A Card To Put In Their Deck


       First things first. This is a list of my OPINION! If you disagree then send an email to my email address which is posted at the bottom of the list. Anyway, on to the list.

(By the way this list is in no specific order and are mistakes that mostly noobs make.)

1. They see someone else use a card and put it in their deck.

2. A card is considered a "staple" card and they put it in their deck.

3. A card looks really cool and they put it on in!

4. It is considered powerful.
    A noob should not have stuff like Yata, The Envoys, Vampire Lord in their deck because they won't know (most of the time) how to use them correctly.
5. It is expensive.
    "I paid $40 for this card so it must be good!"

6. It is a secret rare.
    Not all secret rares are considered good EX. Lava Golem.

7. They saw it used by their favorite character on a show.
    The show is a lot different from the TCG.

8. It's a god card.
    Ohhh. Big whooping deal. They aren't even tournament legal.

9. It does not go with the theme of their deck. (If they have one that is.)

10. Because it was the first card they ever got.
      Most people will probably laugh at that one. But at a tournament one kid had a...of all things...a Skull Servant in his deck because it was the first card he ever owned. I asked him about it and he said his friend gave it to him.....Hmmmm..... I wonder why ?

       Anyway that's all folks.
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