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Hayato's Top Ten Things You'll Never See in the Anime


10-Kaiba admitting he's an idiot.
9-Mokuba talking about something and actually having it relate to something other than his brother.(Being a judge in Battle City is in fact indirect to it.)
8-Yugi actually losing.
7-A duel that takes less than one episode to show.(With exception of the first season and filler duels such as Kaiba's with the computer)
6-An opponent taking no less than 2 minutes to explain their plan, let alone what a card does.
5-Staple cards of today's real meta-game with the correct effects. i.e. Jinzo. If he could blow up traps on the field, I think he'd be loved and hated just a BIT more.
4-Tea actually saying something useful other than "You can do it!"
3-Guns. This is good ol' America, now now we can't the kiddies what a gun is! Despite the fact kids everyday shoot their siblings and friends. ::Cough cough::
2-A 5 year old in a tournament! Stupid little spoiled brats...
1-And finally..dum dee dum dum duuuum! The 1st top thing you'll never EVER see in the YuGiOh Anime...A GOOD STRATEGY! What in the heck is a deck with Dark Magician, Magnet Warriors, a Red Eyes and a Dark Magician girl even doing in a main character's plan?! Don't even get me started on Kaiba or Joey.."I play the Almight Blue Eyes White Dragon, now attack-huh?! Magic Cylinder!?" And Joey, what exactly does his deck do..? The only strong monster I've seen him pull out of there anymore is his Jinzo, which gets slaughtered within a turn. Then the themed decks..Insect Queen? Great Moth? Can you say situational? Oh, and to top it all off, they butcher card effects! Even the commons!(Ahem, just to clarify, I claimed they butcher staples earlier.) Since when was Paracite Paraside a Magic Card, and not affect Gearfried? I think the show should begin to lean toward the least there it isn't ALL dueling.

Love me? Hate me? Gonna flame me? Knock yourself out, I'm open for anything and I do take insults quite well since I'm very opinionated. Especially on this subject..I just happen to be against the anime's take on the game..