Uncle Jarrod's top ten yugioh
chick cards
Howdy kiddies its uncle jay(jarrod) here for another top
ten countdown, today's feature is Chicks for mature people that is ladies.
Anywho let's start out with #10 shall we?
10.Amazon Archer-i like here special effect and
her...as..her assets yes that's right her bows and
9. Guardian Angel Joan-Dude! already she was hawt in her
original card but this is too much
8. Amazon Swords Woman- Dude! she has a sword huh
7. Amazoness Paladin-hey! Its mai valentine with a tan
and a sword (drool)
6. Amazoness
fill in dirty thought here tehe
5. The DarkNecroFear- Creepy chick not hot but creepy
and quite disturbing.
4. Injection Fairy Lily- I hate needles with a passion,
with her riding on it make needle no longer a fear oh how sweet it
3.Vampire Lady or woman (not released yet but check her
card out in the new set a tw.com) Hey its vampire lord wife and
2. A lot of people might argue with me but i have to put
her her it #2 is the Dark Magician Girl- She's like Dark Magician's kid sister
with a cool rod armor her...(if you think were im going with this then you are
just wrong dead wrong) Hat! yes her cute
And Finally #1 for the Uncle Jay's(jarrod but preferr
uncle jay) top 10 yugioh chicks is....
Diffiernt Dimension Warriror Lady(short for d.d. warrior
lady). As i mentioned before in my earlier top 10 she is sooo sweet. I really
dig sci-fi battle chicks especially one who travels through differnt dimensions
to save the past from a dark future she lives in, Plus she hawt and with a cool
looking sword(drool). Okay for the record i have a sword fetish, it make the
sword more appealing when a woman uses it. Anyway before i loose you guyz in my
own world i would like to thanks all of the emails and pojo for even posting my
Email mail me if you like my top 10 list or want to send
me a silly email about my top 10 please do @ theeestrega@yahoo.com
for Hater mail if you think im a perveted master roshi
kinda guy and think i need to take a cold shower please remind me at my other
email @ genden21@yahoo.com
Once again thank you and stay tuned for my top 10 decks
i ever played yes for all ill even include beatdown(althought it should be
banned) im no hater i just it should take more brains than brawn to win at a
duel, for people who have a beatdown deck bring it just bring it i don't need
what ever you put in a beatdown deck i dont fear it, hate it, or love it...i'll
just beat it. So in conclusion for all of you who agree with me email me at the
first email and for those who dont email the second. Always like reading stuff
so anyway take care duelist of all ages, i'll shall return
-Uncle J'