ben L's top ten overrated
I have already done top ten traps,
spells, and monsters, so now i am going to do minor stuff. Today it is top
ten overrated cards. These cards are in no particular order, but are just
ten cards i think are most overrated.
Dark magician of chaos- In no
way is this card the third chaos monster. The fact is, it is still a two
tribute monster that more often than not is a dead card in your hand. You
want a good two tribute monster, use guardian angel joan. Her effect is
better than this card, and it is aldo a light, so it is good chaos
mirror force- Because of Jinzo and the big six, we try to keep our traps
to a limit, around 5-7 per deck. Also because of the big six, chainability
is superior to clearing the field. IMO, mirror force does not deserve a
spot in the five 5-7 traps in our deck. Right now, all traps should be chainable
outside of the battle phase.
don zaloog- the only time this card should
be used is if three reapers is not enough hand destruction. So what if it
has a robbin goblin effect, next turn your opponent will suicide there tomato or
angel into it, bringing out a D.D. or a direct attack from
gemini, mad dog, archfiend soldier, etc.- not that good.
Brute force had its time of popularity, but now control and chaos overpowers
beatdown. Some people have tons of these in there deck, but at most they
should just have three of these in a hand control deck, but berserk gorilla is
bette for that.
united we stand/mage power-People will soon realize that
all equips except snatch steal and premature burial encurage bad hand
managment. Sometimes people forget that everybody uses 3 msts, harpies,
heavy, and breaker, so equips will not stay long on the field. Also, when
someone uses tribe on a monster with something equiped to it, tribe kills two
cards instead of one. So basically, with all the field clearing,
cyder jar- yes, there are certain decks(like chaos) that this
card is good for. However, some people just through this card into any
certain deck, which is dumb. It might clear the field, but filling
your opponent's hand up with cards should not appeal to decks that already have
enough speed.
torrential tribute-also, another card with a great effect
that is not chainable. Some people are shocked that this card is not
restricted, well i can explain why. The reason i took this card out of my
deck was because it had been set for many turns only to get msted. With
waboku, you can chain to mst, an ability all the traps in your deck should
have. If you wonder what traps i use, email me.
vampire lord-yes,
it has a great effect, but 2000 attack? There are many monsters that can
kill it by battle or remove it from play, like D.D., and BLS. The only
thing i like doing with this card is getting rid of all the traps in there deck,
then calling trap again, and getting to look through their deck to verify they
are out of traps. That is another legal loophole exminion was talking
spear dragon- some consider it a 1900 and it would fall into the
1900's section. It is a 1900 who rides the short bus. The card does
not deserve an ounce of play with all of the other 1900s. Switching to
defense is a lot more of a negative than fairy meteor crush is a posotive.
I know i will be recieving hatemail for this list, so send away at . If you agree with me also send, it would be nice to
know that i am not the only one who thinks euqips are horrible.