Ben L's top ten spells


Well, I have already done traps and monster, so now it is time to here about spells.  Most decks carry more spells then traps or monster, so IMO this is the most important part of a deck.  Well, here we have it:


10.Snatch steal.  No, the life point gaining is not a big deal at all, considering the average amount of time a monster stays on the field in yugioh.  Not a staple, but a good card.


9.MST-almost every deck should run three.  Can chain to imperial order.  Single handedly made torrential and cylinders unplayable.  Now that is true power.


8.change of heart-staple.  Take control of your opponent's monster for one turn.  Tribute it.  Use exiled effect.  Change of heart a 1900, then suicide it into another 1900, to monsters with one card. Great card. reborn-staple.  Just resserect a monster at no cost.  How cool is that.  It is one of the big three revivers.  All decks can benifit from this card.


6.Graceful charity-Great opening hand.  Even thugh it does not give advantage, it is still great.  You do not need a bad hand to play it, because it just lets you pick from More options, the main aspect of yugioh. staple.


5.Dark hole-Awsome.  If timed perfectly, it is better than rageki.  This is definately a staple.  Do not whine that it destroys your monster to, because all you have to do is time it.


4.Harpies feather duster- those four s/t bothering you.  Just play this, and they are all gone.  At no draw backs.  Rageki is better, but this is still a staple.  Now moving on to my favorite spell, that is soon to be banned.


3.Delinquent Duo-Hatemail.  I love playing this card.  It is probably the most "cheap" spell, the reason why it is getting banned.  You just play it and you have a one card advantage.  Do not whine about the Lp payment, because it is worth it to kill 1/3 of an opening hand.  I think it should get banned, because it is unfair.


2.Rageki-Also, a no drawbeck spell.  Just play it, and your opponent's field is clear.  just play it, attack with that yata and you win.  They have four monsters, there all gone.  Facedown bothering you, eliminate it.


1.Pot of Greed- No drawbacks whatsoever.  This card can always serve a purpose.  It is great when topdecked, and gives you card advantage a any point in the duel.  Awsome card.


Hatemail, agreement mail, send to .  Email me if there was a big card i forgot, because chances are it is good, I just forgot.